Esolen, the catholic thing. Our catastrophic inability to understand science. : STILUM CURIAE

Esolen, the catholic thing.  Our catastrophic inability to understand science.  : STILUM CURIAE

April 9, 2022

Posted by Marco Tosatti

Marco Tosatti

My friends and foes of Stilum Curiae, it seems appropriate to draw your attention to this article by Anthony Esaulin, which appeared in catholic thing, Which we thank for your kindness. Translation by Vincenzo Fidel, to whom we express our gratitude, as always, for the work. Enjoy reading.


Our catastrophic inability to understand science

Antonio Essolin

Consider these phrases:

“the earth is moving around the sun”.

“Women, as a group, do not have the physical strength to be good soldiers.”

“The Earth rotates on its axis.”

“It is biological nonsense to pretend that a man can marry a man or a woman to a woman.”

The tilt of the Earth on its axis is responsible for the succession of the seasons.

A child needs a father and a mother.

“The Earth’s orbit around the Sun is an ellipse. In summer, in the Northern Hemisphere, the Earth in addition to from the sun”.

“It is wrong to undertake the act of having children if you are not married and therefore willing to take care of the child, and to provide him with an established family for the rest of his life.”

“Venus shines on the earth in phases, like the moon.”

“Boys naturally gravitate toward games that are harsh and sometimes dangerous or destructive, while girls don’t.”

I have heard all my life of a great sinner, against truth and scientific inquiry, the Church, for having acted badly in the Galileo case, and condemning that enraged genius to house arrest in a sumptuous villa in Florence. If anyone has the means, my family and I will be glad to know the offense against unanimous opinion which I must commit to gain such admiration.

American academies commit more crimes against the truth And even more strikingly, in one week, what the whole Church adhered to in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Exaggerate?

Let’s consider the advantages of the topic.

Galileo had no evidence for his heliocentric thesis. One of the arguments he put forward, that the revolution of the Earth around the sun was responsible for the tides, was weak, and the pope’s astronomers knew this better than he did. What Galileo insisted on could not be seen. [A posteriori la teoria galileiana sulle maree si è dimostrata anche sbagliata – NdT]

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None of the astrological claims I made above are obvious or immediate. In fact, I have found that very few college students can explain to me why, for us in the Nordic countries, the sun appears in the Southern Hemisphere. Or where the sun is at noon on the equinox, because it is on Earth at a certain latitude. Or what is the relationship of the elliptical orbit to the speed of the Earth’s revolution. Or that the earth does not move for anyone constant speed. Or why Venus appears itself in phases if you look at it with a telescope, but not Mars. Or what should the position of Polaris do with respect to where you are, etc.

They don’t know the main argument against Heliocentrism had something to do with parallax: the displacement, the apparent, in the relative positions of things according to the angle of your observation point, so that if the Earth moved around the sun, the stars should appear to us in a slightly changing position from spring to fall, unless those stars are far away So much so that we can hardly tell the difference. There was, then, no obvious reason to suppose that the stars were very far away.

But the things you said about men and women, and boys and girls too, would make you lose your livelihood if you said them almost in all Academies in the decadent western world.

Does anyone dare to deny it? Those who are enraged by what I say about current sins against the truth will be the first to denounce and expel you from academia if you say so in a classroom, in a college class, or on social media. Maybe you can tell that to yourself in your bathroom right now.

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There is more. Those things about gender were not so controversial until a few seconds ago, both historically and culturally. This is because they are immediately obvious. Boys become men, girls become women.

Boys have bodies that scream for movement and violent play: it is metabolism, endocrine glands, and muscles that determine what play means, in boys as in other bodily beings. Girls have bodies destined to provide for and nurture children. Everyone knows. For this it is vehemently and loudly denied, with clear and severe penalties for whoever wants to deny the denial.

If a man lay bleeding on the battlefield, the female soldier next to him would, except in very rare cases, be able to carry him and carry him away. Even if he could, because of a very lucky combination of a brave woman and a man of short stature, he would still have to pay for this nonsense, because another man would be able to put up with it easily and get the job done faster.

And this is just one of the thousands of ways that men’s greater strength, greater speed of march and more oxygenated blood play out.

It’s a clown show that a man who pretends to be a woman should compete with women in I swimAnd It is the sport in which a woman’s high body fat percentage makes her naturally more active, so she has to do less work to move the same weight as a man. It is the perfect satire for drunken rave clowns to send the same women to fight men; without any military advantage, and harm to both sexes, not to mention the unborn children these women might have.

In many places the church is hung only by one thread that keeps it bound by reason and a commitment to truth. And he will also combine his voice with madness, happily continuing to persecute those who tell the truth, unless his divine founder permits it, despite the superstitions of those bishops who think that another round of worship on the altar of Belial will bring happiness. Instead of confusion, cultural decadence, infidelity, death, infidelity of men and women, and holocaust-mongering.

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