WhatsApp: new video calls are coming | Rush for updates

WhatsApp: new video calls are coming |  Rush for updates

to be in constant touch, Through social media and messaging services It is an achievement for our time. We can hear friends, relatives or co-workers even miles away, With a simple click. And the applications that allow you to do this are now many, each with its own characteristics, in order to adapt to the different uses that each of us has. manypossibly for reasons related to organization in the workplace, They should be able to contact as many people as possible at the same time.

Other people may have much less demands, Limit yourself to contacting one friend, relative, or acquaintance at a time. Messaging services However, as already mentioned, I assumed this flexibility To be able to adapt to every different need.

Among the instant messaging services, Continue stand out WhatsApp. Green app, part of the Meta group since 2014, is now a term for comparison When it comes to instant messaging services. in years It completely replaced costly SMS Thanks to the free and unlimited program and With a convenient and intuitive interface to use.

clear of some of the problems and shortcomings that its competitors have benefited from, WhatsApp is still the most used messaging app in the world. But it seems that the service team does not want to be satisfied and continues to push the application towards new functions or to improve the functions already implemented.

What’s new?

Reach out to someone you love

in the last period WhatsApp seems to put its foot on the accelerator a lot. Target? Create a complete service as possible, With features capable of satisfying every type of user.

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Not surprisingly, although WhatsApp was born above all as a text messaging app, they have been trying for years. Scale up Towards new shores of communication. The user-friendliness and fluidity of the interface are certainly two characteristics that make it easy to use, even with everything that isn’t a simple text message.

In fact, it is possible to send files Text messages, voice messages, photos, videos, documents, and more. Moreover, with a recent update, everything related to sending and receiving photos has undergone a major upgrade: In fact, it is now possible to send high quality images, WhatsApp avoided reducing quality by 70% as it has been doing so far, to speed up data exchange. find out in This article How to send photos in high quality.

latest news

WhatsApp video call screen with 8 participants
Not just 8 anymore

One of the most popular uses now on WhatsApp is the use of calls Audio or video calls. And it’s precisely on these two aspects that the Meta Group’s apps team has taken important steps to make them more pleasant to use.

The first news Regarding the number of participants in a video call. If until now it was possible to participate in a maximum of 8 people at the same time, then it will be possible to do the latest update video calls with 32 participants, Quadruple the number of de facto participants. Just as it was already possible to make simple voice calls.

The second grandmother Relates to interactions with call participants. Actually it will be possible Send messages to call participants or mute them, all without interrupting the call. Doing so is also very simple and intuitive: just press and hold on the name of the participant in the call you want to interact with, this will expand the audio and video feed and you can decide if you want to mute that person or send them a private message.

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Another novelty related to invitations to make a call. Since other video calling services are already allowed, now too For WhatsApp calls, it will be possible to invite new participants by sending them a simple link that they can access. A simple but useful function to simplify the call joining process.

The latest news concerns graphical improvements to the display interface The most intuitive experience: colorful waveforms Let you easily identify the person speaking; Notification banner during a call allowing you to know when a new participant joins the call; PiP mode on iOS which is currently in beta testing and will simplify multitasking by allowing you to minimize the video call screen.

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