The Alto Vicenza Science Festival returns to Schio

The Alto Vicenza Science Festival returns to Schio

After the success of previous editions FESAV – Alto Vicenza Science Festival Returns to Scio From 3 to 5 November 2023. Programming Sixth edition Proud to exist 74 guests, with a total of 78 events alternating between conferences, workshops, theatrical and musical performances, and events for schools. FESAV reaffirms that it is a unique and innovative “space” in the district’s panorama, dedicated to innovation, scientific knowledge, discoveries, ideas and new ways of understanding and interpreting society.

Organized by biosphera, With care and support Municipality of Schio As part of the Call for Culture 2023, the festival benefits from the support of the Municipality of Théni, the Municipality of Marano Vicentino, in the Veneto Region, the Confindustria Vicenza – Alto Vicentino Collection, the Concommercio – Mandamento di Scio and Théni, as well as the CNR – National Research Council, the Vicenza Libraries Network, the University of Padua, With departments of Chemical Sciences, Biology and Biomedical Sciences.

Festival locations

Festival locations will see confirmation Conti wool mill As a central conference space, which will be added Calindoli Civic Theater Hall And Tualde Cabra Palace. everyone space shed, Instead, it will be set up to host two exhibitions and With Falcone Borsellino square It will become the site of many workshops and performances for girls and boys.

“The sixth edition of FESAV raises the bar qualitatively and quantitatively, with a three-day format that aims to engage a very wide audience. From families, who will find inside the Spazio Shed and throughout Piazza Falcone Borsellino a very rich series of workshops and shows dedicated to children and a refreshment point thanks to the “Piccola Osteria itinerante”, up to the most demanding spectators and the most demanding tastes, where there will be the possibility to choose between the overall areas of interest and to connect Multiple meetings in different locations, thanks to the timetable that will allow you to move around the various festival sites. With this edition, we are convinced that we have reached a high-quality organizational level that strengthens the role and weight of this great event in the entire Vicenza panorama,” emphasizes the President of Biosfera, Michelle Ferretto.

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“The goal of FESAV is to contribute to the discussion and cultural growth of a society that looks to the future, to technological innovation and scientific knowledge, but also to give new value to the network of change in Alto Vicenza, promoting regional knowledge and skills useful for development and competitiveness – adds the culture advisor. Barbara Corzato – The Science Festival has become one of the most important and appreciated events in our region. “We are very proud to be able to host a series of meetings, talks and theatrical performances in our city that can make science more attractive and interesting for everyone, adults and children.”

The program in brief

The exhibition is scheduled to open Friday 3 Novemberat 8.30 p.m. in Lanificio Conte, with a conference to be held Guido Emilio Tonelliby title “Subject. Magnificent Illusion.” Tonelli, known above all for his contribution to the discovery of the Higgs boson, will delve into the subject of the elementary components of matter.

in the morning Saturday 4th November – In cooperation with Confindustria Raggruppamento Alto Vicentino and INFN – a meeting dedicated to technology transfer will be organised, “From the wool to the moonwith Paola Pilati, Author of the book “Serenissima” (Saturday, November 4, 9.30 a.m. in Llanificio Conte). The history and future of businesses in the North East where local businesses will be invited to speak and engage with the world of research. This meeting falls within the framework of the broader goal of strengthening relations with the region and with the productive fabric that the forum has been nurturing since its first edition.

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Six total thematic areas

Science Festival – Conservation and Biodiversity, Crime, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry and Energy, Human and Environment, Artificial Intelligence: that it Six total thematic areas For various events scheduled between November 4 and 5. For example but not limited to:

  • “Qbit, a concert between music and science” With t. Pace and F. Cocetti (11/04, 3.00 pm, Llanificio Conte),
  • “Wildness for biodiversity” together. Bocherini, R. Fabrizi, A. Fico (11/04, 6.00 p.m., Palazzo Toalde Capra),
  • “Anthropologist and cold cases” With Elena Bailey, Round Table
  • “Feeding the future” Edited by Coop Alleanza 3.0 and NaturaSì, with inputs from L. Cattivilli, B. Conti, S. Lattanzi, S. Minin, F. Brescacin, and moderated by G. Pitton (05/11, 11.30 am in Lanificio Conte),
  • “Artificial Intelligence and Language” With Gabriella Bassi (11/05, 11.30 am in Sala Calindoli)
  • round table “New energy sources: can we trust them?” Where Mr. Melissano, Prime Minister Congido, Mr. Durante, and A. Genito (11/05, 10:00 AM at Palazzo Toalde Capra).

Great anticipation then for the journalist Stefano is a Nazi Which will take viewers on a journey into four famous crime cases, in dialogue with journalist Gianmaria Bitton (11/4 at 8.30 pm L’Anificio Conti). The weekend will then be enriched with numerous workshops to try Robotics, paleontology, nutrition, microscopy, botany, acoustic diving And so on and so on. Not only that: throughout the entire month of November, the Spazio Shed will host the exhibition”Aqua. “The future is in the ocean” Prove In cooperation with CNR, on the occasion of its centenary. The exhibition will be open for guided tours and workshops for schools.

Activities with schools

Students from Schio, Tigne, Malo and Santurso will participate Program of interviews with the authororganized in cooperation with the library “Wheat color”. Among the guests Elvina, Amalia Ercoli Finzi and Andrea Vico.

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And that’s not all: schools will also have a leading role. to ThaneOn the morning of Friday, October 27, in the Funato Hall, Lorenzo Balletti dazzled the students with a show between mathematics and magic entitled “Distinguished mathematicians”. In a municipality Marano VicentinoInstead, a show has been scheduled “The Last Silent Spring” By and with Pino Costalonga, produced by Biosphaera and the AIDA Foundation, which tells the life of the American biologist Rachel Carson (Tuesday, October 31, 10:00 am, Town Hall).

Moreover, throughout the duration of the festival and at each location, he will be present at each of the festival venues library Edited by “Il Colore del Grano”, with guest posts, as well as a wide range of scientific books for adults and children. Finally, the Schio Civic Library Offers a scientific bibliography and two workshops for children.

For all information, updates and bookings for some workshops, you can check the website All meetings are free.

visav friends

In support of the Science Festival are:

  • science and technology area,
  • Banca Popolare di Marostica Volksbank,
  • ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy,
  • European Union (Citizen, Equality, Rights and Value Programme),
  • Ava – Alto Vicentino Ambiente,
  • ARPAV, ViAcqua, Vitevis Cellars.

There are also many collaborations: INFN – National Institute of Nuclear Physics – Padua, Library Il Colore del Grano, Gruppo Astrofili di Schio APS, MUSA – Associazione Amici Museo Geomineralogico Scledense, Fucibo, WAWFE – World Association of Forensic Experts, Legambiente Schio- Valugra ,AltroConsumo, Experimentation.

Finally, we remember the essential contribution of the sponsors: Arcoprofil srl, Pretto srl – Industrial Technical Supplies, Carretta Tessitura srl, NaturaSì, Coop Alleanza 3.0, PFM spa – Packaging Machines, Facci srl, Carretta Serramenti srl

Scio, 30 October

Lorenza Zago press office Garbin Palace – Skio Town Hall

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