On planet Earth TOI-1807b is completed every year in 13 hours; Here is a very short exoplanet

On planet Earth TOI-1807b is completed every year in 13 hours;  Here is a very short exoplanet

Outside of our solar system there is a very special planet, as you age in the blink of an eye. We are talking precisely about OI-1807b, the Earth where a year lasts only 13 hours, roughly half a day plus another hour: it is the smallest exoplanet with a very short orbit that has ever been discovered, having only been discovered for 300 million years .

On planet Earth TOI-1807b is completed every year in 13 hours;  Here is a very short exoplanet
TOI-1807b, 6/29/2022 – Computermagazine.it

According to the RaiNews website, it was discovered in 2020 thanks to the use of NASA’s Tess telescope, the US space agency, and thanks to the Harps-N spectrometer installed on the Galileo National Telescope (Tng) of the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) in the islands of Canary, we were able to discover its secrets. It has been investigated in this regard customized study Which is published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, and is signed by an international group of researchers led by INAF members and University of Padua, Thus it is a work with a distinct Italian vein. The peculiarity of TOI-1807b lies precisely in its young age since the so-called Usp planets, that is, those with a very short orbital period, have They are all over a billion years old.

TOI-1807b, 6/29/2022 - Computermagazine.it
TOI-1807b, 6/29/2022 – Computermagazine.it

TOI-1807b, the planet where one year only lasts 13 hours: here are the secrets

They are also extremely rare earth objects, even if they are easy to identify due to their very short orbital duration. The new planet has some interesting aspects, he explained Domenico Nardello, Research fellow at INAF in Padua, as well as the first site on the article being published: β€œIt is the youngest planet with a very short orbital period (USP) observed so far, is only 300 million years old, and has an Earth-like density. Moreover, Thanks to the data from Tess and above all thanks to the data from Harps-N, we have calculated very precisely the planet’s radius and mass.” Thanks to this method, it was possible to prove that a file The density of the planet is rocky Hence of the ground type. For further analysis of the planet, it was discovered that TOI-1807b has a core of 25% iron and no extended atmosphere, and it cannot be excluded that the latter may have been swept away by photoevaporation Due to the excessive proximity to the parent star, a distance equal to one hundredth of the distance that separates the Sun from the Earth.

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“Until a few years ago we could not at least imagine that planets could exist near their host star – explained – Nardiello – today, thanks to technological progress, we have been able not only to identify them, but also to know with infinite accuracy their age, all physical properties, whether They have an atmosphere or not and how it has evolved over time. This will greatly facilitate understanding how planets (including Earth) are formed and the conditions that allow life to be born.”

πŸ”΄ Source: Rainews.it

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