Colau: “Less money to digitize the country” – Economy

Colau: “Less money to digitize the country” – Economy

The event is dedicated to the new tools, simplification, and upcoming challenges that the market and institutions will have to face in order to modernize the financial system and transcend the digital divide. Goodbye cash, the digital future of payments Live broadcast on

“The battle for less money and more lack of cash The battle to digitize the country and increasing the productivity and competitiveness of small businesses,” said the Minister of Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation, Vittorio Colaoin the ANSA forum, explaining that “we have improved a lot but we are still behind and therefore there is a great opportunity to leap forward,” adding that “there is no advantage in using cash for the country but a negative one.”

From points of sale to central bank coinsDigital transactions are accelerating and, according to the latest forecasts, could reach more than half of the total within the next three years. Also in Italy, electronic payments continue to increase but our country still lags behind and ranks last in Europe.

PagoPa makes 4 billion digital transactions per monthThe minister stressed. “The idea of ​​creating a PagoPa with this power was a prerequisite. The country has a tool and many other digital tools that allow us in a social and cultural context like today to take many steps forward, not just about payments.” Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance said, Laura Castelliat the forum, explaining that these digitization tools, “from a public finance point of view, have helped greatly in the recovery processes of some resources but also made the whole country take a step forward.”

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“We are thinking of A platform to provide all social benefitsi, the temporary name is IDPay, all digitally, even in the case of prepaid, without the need to prepay the money, the recognition of points of sale and the additional amount of vouchers thanks to the platform “and you can really start” this Colau said.

In PNRR – Minister Castelli added – Tax evasion targets are too ambitiousOverly ambitious, if you look at the numbers it’s really scary but very positive for the goals that we have to achieve but can’t be achieved without aligning digital tools.” When we choose to do so Citizenship income – Then he remembers – we decided to create an immaterial digital account. ”

“The notification platform will be announced in the second half of this year and will allow citizens to be notified digitally,” said PagoPa sole official. Giuseppe Vergon, on the ANSA forum. “With PAgoPa, we started a path and there is no turning back. We are at a good stage,” said Virgoni, explaining that “in 2020, PagoPA made 100 million transactions, and in 2021 there were 182 million with 80% growth, initially Two months into 2022, we made 53 million transactions with an 110% growth over last year. We have 42 million people who use PagoPA. In contrast to the national average, 63% of PA payments made under the PagoPA are made using digital electronic payment tools.”

“In Europe there are two very large systems, Target 2 and Targe2, where wholesale transactions take place, banks exchange deposits and securities in these circles, and we are talking about numbers like 3 trillion euros per day, which is twice the Italian GDP,” he said. Deputy Director General of the Bank of Italy, Piero Cipolloneon the ANSA forum.

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