Mistrust as a Secure Value, by Marius Carroll

Mistrust as a Secure Value, by Marius Carroll

There was a time when politicians did not know how to solve an issue, so they created a committee. It was the way to cut off problems from the authorities, without the opposition being able to respond because it involved them in the search for a solution. The first to see that commissions were a scam was Napoleon, who wrote: “If you want something done, put someone in charge; If you want the matter to be delayed forever, make a commission.” But the commissions still enjoy prestige: it is enough to see that Independence has requested the formation of three investigative commissions, approved by Congress, into the Catalonia Operation, the 17-A attacks in Barcelona, ​​and the Pegasus Affair. These committees appear in the Constitution and are designed to seek political responsibilities, but experience teaches us that it is difficult to draw clear water from them, even though they contribute to the public scene.


The latest discovery is an attempt to decipher agreements or covenants made by intermediaries. Mediators, speakers, or verifiers are terms used by each party at will to add or remove substance. At the moment, a mediator has been appointed to act as notary of the agreements between PSOE and JxCat, and another mediator is expected to be present in the negotiations between the Spanish Government and the State General, and a few days ago we saw that their popularity was indicated by this number – appointed by the European Union in this case – which Pedro Sánchez accepted it after meeting with Alberto Núñez Viejo in order to renew the General Council of the Judiciary.

The Spanish government accepted two mediators, one independent and one entitled

All this allows us to conclude that Spanish politics is developing under a sign of distrust. Aristophanes, a Greek comedian who knew how to influence Athenian politics, said that mistrust was the mother of security, and in this sense rule was a secure value. But the truth is that the inability to understand each other without a judge in front of them only increases citizens' distrust of the political class. On any given day, sides will require VAR, as in football, to explain themselves to their players, when they believe they have missed a goal across the penalty area.

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