Alex loses the challenge but…

Alex loses the challenge but…

Direct Amici 21 Episode 23 January 2022, Live Commentary

Serena lead before the eyes Todaro, who again eliminates the honey dancer friends: “For me she is attractive, strong and emotional, but also elegant. I like it.” From Serena to Christian, Alessandra Celentano sees lights and shadows. TodaroInstead, he is just happy. “He has worked a lot on his flaws, he has improved a lot.” Professor Amici is not entirely wrong, even if he tends to be very kind towards his students. New skirmishes between Rudy Zerbe AlexHis teacher reprimanded him for allegedly making fun of a tough competitor. Kokarini teases the zerby and gives him a crown: “Because he must have fallen …”, the professor jokes.

Alex, therefore, enters the challenge. “But I didn’t say I was better than the others,” the boy repeats. Maestro Benigno evaluates him in comparison to the singer, calm, In comparison to Ed Sheeran. “Calma put something extra,” says teacher Benigno. So Alex loses the challenge but Zerbi saves him hoping he has learned his lesson. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Albee charms with his single

future of Mattia ad Friends 21. The dancer wants to come back one hundred percent to challenge his opponents, Raimundo Todaro He says he is willing to wait for him as long as necessary, while Alessandra Celentano is not of the same opinion. Several dancers perform, participating in the casting process called by the master. In two groups, Celentano identified two potential candidates to enter a school friends. We go back to singing start from whiteness Sing “in front of you”. He and his companions, as happened last week, can perform in front of some radio stations that may decide on individual rotations on the main channels for the next seven days. His song was selected by RDS to the applause of the audience. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

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Todaro-Celentano clash over Mattia

Mattia’s situation has divided the university’s professors friends. Raimundo Todaro angry with Alessandra Celentano Because, according to him, he wanted to mislead him about the program’s regulation. “He wanted to convince me that he could change my disciple. I told her that she has been here for twenty years, but I am not rotten.” Q&A in the studio between Todaro and Celentano, with the latter responding in kind: “I know I can’t do it but it would be good for him to take responsibility. You can’t stay here to heat the counter.” Mattia removes the enamel and the rings and Todaro is disappointed that the boy complied with Celentano’s wish, who meanwhile opens a group of new dancers to replace Mattia.

Rea removed by Amici 21

Ria He is last in the standings and risks disqualification but the ball is passed to Rudy Al-Zorbi. Her teacher obviously doesn’t think it’s appropriate to let her continue on friends 21. De Filippi is trying to sweeten the pill against the eighteen-year-old, i.e. Officially eliminated: “There are times and this is not the only place to become a singer. I’ve seen people explode and nowhere else. The latter came to casting and refused. Today the stadiums are full. Don’t always explode when you come from Amici, you sure are talented, but it needs to be highlighted in time.“. “It’s been an amazing five months of my life and I’ve had so much fun”Riya says before greeting his comrades between hugs. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Jerry Scotty makes fun of Luigi

“These guys take me too much.”, Dice Jerry Scotty Before dedicating 7.5 to Albe who suggested a cover of Laura Pausini’s song Io Canto. Sisi De Filippi guest charms with a cover when by Pino Daniele. “Your story is beautiful,” says Jerry Scotty. And it continues with Rea, for another show that – as for the other competitors – wants to narrate part of its path in and out Friends 21. In this case, Jerry Scotty, while not revealing the voting for regulatory reasons, thinks he liked more now, live during the live broadcast, than in the recordings.

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Luigi will close the covers tour, with a remake of La Mia Storia between his fingers. Scotty teases him about the tuft, but he seems really impressed. “When I come here I rejuvenate for twenty years…”Maestro’s words. “wish you the best “, and concludes with greetings and greetings of his friend De Filippi: “For me Jerry is the well of knowledge”. Ranking the covers sees Rea in last place, who risks getting rid of him. The fate of the singer ends in the hands of the masters. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Crytycal move by Jerry Scotty

Starts with a Cover Announcement Contest friendsAnd Special guest to rate legendary performances Jerry Scotty. “With your art you show your big little life. I tell you you have to beat me with your character. I will give high marks to whoever impresses me the most. You were a beautiful piece of music in my evening, I have already listened to you more than once‘ says the friendly conductor. Alex He opens the jig and picks the Lonely Men song.

Jerry Scotty Give it 8. Continue Aisha, which takes 7.5. space then a Critical, which manages to excite the conductor, which gives it 8.5, momentarily first in the order of the sheaths. It continues with exhibitions, it’s up to Art LDA’s son. Jerry Scotty has proven to be wide-sleeved, but LDA outlasts all and takes a 9. (Update by Jacopo D’Antuono)

Amici 21, Predictions Episode 23 January 2022

Today, Sunday, January 23, the expected date with Friends 21Led talent Maria de Filippi. The evening race has now officially started, and according to previews, all of the coveted jerseys that allow access to the final stage will be delivered today. As you know, Sunday bets were registered a few days ago, which is why we can already tell you that today everyone will be able to get evening shirt.

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However, this does not mean that this is the official formation of Friends 21 What we’ll see in March: In fact, students will have to confirm this week after weeks through exams, challenges, and academic performance. In today’s episode there will be guests: there will be in the studio Jerry Scotty and Franco 126 Who will present his new song.

Friends 21: New Clashes Eliminated and Evening T-shirts

Friends 21 The day returns with new and crucial challenges. Last week several kids had to drop out of school at the end of challenges and rankings and the same thing will happen today. will be right Jerry Scotty, this time, to place the order of the singers after performances in the studio. Also this time, Rudi Al-Zorbi asked the production for the total to refer to a singer last in the rankings to be eliminated directly. Between what’s happening in the studio and the previous ratings (also made during the week), Rea will have to leave school permanently.

Space, then, also for other comparisons: there will be a challenge between Alex and calm Always wanted by Rudy. There will be a confirmation of the shirt white and cosmic Once again, Celentano’s teacher’s decision to Mattia. The Latin dancer, who is still injured, will be put to the test by a teacher who has decided to select some Latin dancers to replace him. This will cause a few disagreements in the studio.

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