One of its strengths Centenary of Morato Aragones The opening of the exhibition will be held today, February 15.”Between passion and research“, an exhibition that can be visited until May 25 at Salvador Villaseca Museum in Reus Which offers a careful selection of nearly one hundred works by the artist.
“We wanted to close the centenary year by following the path of the painter – explains Curator General Morato Aragones M. Elena Morato— Because if we opened it last May A Dogwoodwhere Morato discovered the world of art at the age of thirteen, A Rios He held his last exhibition in 2006. After all the actions we were doing in this emotional axis Cornudela-Barcelona-Reus“, we now present as a conclusion the most complete anthology ever seen, with never-before-seen pieces from private collectors.”
The exhibition highlights, due to its uniqueness, “the section dedicated to the 1950s and 1960s, an era that was highly appreciated at that time and today is completely unknown to the general public – statements M. Elena-”. Through this exhibition, the visitor will be able to absorb and understand an exciting photographic journey, a child of her time and an unwavering commitment Morato Aragones “He was always preserving art,” he concludes.
The exhibition is an exceptional opportunity to learn about the painter’s long career (Rios1923 – Barcelona2006) demonstrating the impressionist and post-impressionist influence of the masters (fromIgnasi Malul and Bonaventura Puig Perocho to Mikel Vela) during the post-war learning years; Abstraction and informality merged in the 1960s, when it came to uniting the personal language of vibrant color and active action, until color evolved towards a more relaxed range, with gray and luminous white taking center stage and brushwork. The work allows the support to breathe.
An outstanding landscape painter and an excellent draftsman, Morato Aragones He enjoyed visiting the cities and landscapes of Spain, Italy, France and England, from which he knew how to extract their character, and he also made intimate portraits full of pictorial values from their figures and café scenes.
Walk through the different stages of the artist
Morato AragonesWho settled in the Catalan capital in 1941 so that he could continue his studies Fine artsHe painted and painted the urban and human landscapes of the cities and towns in which he lived or visited, with the same passion as he “pictured” the rural landscapes that reached his soul.
His journey, marked in the social aspect by this exceptional world of coffee gatherings (both Rios as in Barcelona) However, it was characterized by intense work activity in the field covered by the study. From research and investigation into the language environment, he gradually moved to the spirit of joy and enjoyment of the creative process itself, making each work another link in a shield of infinite variations.
A tireless worker, he has received numerous awards, including awards from his home city, which in 1996 awarded him the Gold Medal of the City of ReusI am from Cornudella de MontsantWho named him an adopted son in 1999.
The presentation at the Salvador Villaseca Museum is accompanied by documentary materials from the artist's personal archive, as well as an audio-visual documentary that collects testimonies from many friends, gallery owners and art critics who shared or followed his path.
Many complementary activities for the general public and for schools will also be held during the exhibition.
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