“You broke my nerves, you say useless nonsense” / That’s the fault of the nomination…

“You broke my nerves, you say useless nonsense” / That’s the fault of the nomination…

Attilio Romita, angry at Big Brother Vip for nomination: “Send the curse!”

Attilio Romita He is angry in the house Big Brother VIP 2022. The journalist ended up being nominated, which he didn’t seem to understand. He appears particularly infuriated by the impulse provided by Patricia Rossetti, who has nominated him, accusing him of making too much noise with the slippers. A motive that wanted to be fun but was the result of irritating the news reporter.

“I am annoyed by the stupidity of people!” In fact, Attilio landed after Big Brother Phip’s live broadcast. Clap on nomination received: “If you tell me instead, I will send you doing it in the ass from here to the end! You broke my fist, I don’t want to play the game with idiots!”

Attilio Romita loses his temper: ‘Stuffed with useless readers on me’

In the room with Charlie Gnocki, Attilio Romita continued to shake off enthusiasm, especially accusing those who used “stupid” reasons to call him: “If I had to pass by as someone with loose bras, who smokes a lot even though I have half the cigarettes of others, who dress like a bank manager, I wouldn’t run into this chain of pointless bullshit.”

In the face of this Romita explosion, Patricia Rossettibeing questionable, in confession I wondered sarcastically: “I didn’t understand if the nomination bothered him or the motive I gave.” Other roommates are also sure that the reason for the anger is only because he ended up being nominated, not for the reasons mentioned.

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