Montse Bardéri will be the curator of the Mot 2025 festival.

Montse Bardéri will be the curator of the Mot 2025 festival.

Sabadell writer Montse Bardéri will be the curator of the Mot 2025 festival.Which will be held for the eleventh time, at the end of next March, between Girona I Olot Conversations and activities will revolve around: The need for other emotional and sexual models than those inherited.For this reason, national and international novelists who have written about love from different perspectives and viewpoints will be invited.

Bardiri suggested the goal of the next edition based on a verse by Maria Mercy Marsal:Another name please for love“. The woman from Sabadell believes in language to reach new foundations that expand or redefine love. The festival wants to address different perspectives: passion, frustrated love, queer love, love in different ways throughout the ages, love in a hypersexualized and exhausting world. Society, love and artificial intelligence, or the debate surrounding issues traditionally associated with love such as fidelity.

authorAristotelian Love Guide for 21st Century WomenRemember that the Greek philosopher had already left abuse out of his definition of love, which is understood as “The meeting between nobles who do good to each other continues through the centuries, full of light.

Festival against

The woman from Sabadell takes over from the previous curators of the event who have raised the theme of the festival since 2014. In the first edition, David Roas Focus on fiction. Those for 2015, 2016 and 2017 were curated by Meta Casacoberta They devoted themselves to writing about cities, life and the past respectively. Joseph Ramoneda Captain Death 2018 which dealt with the literature of participation and experience. In 2019, by Manuel ForcanoThe talk was dedicated to authors from all shores of the Mediterranean. In 2020 it had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and in 2021 Gloria Bush The artistic creativity of literature. “Literature and the Rural” was the title of the 2022 death, which was carried by Rose Vernet I Maria Bohigas As commissioners. In 2023, the festival focused on fear under the patronage ofAlex Martin In 2024, the theme was autobiographical fiction titled “From the Inside” and Xavier Bla In the foreground, the next edition of the Mott Literary Festival will take place next year from March 20 to 22 in Girona and from March 27 to 29 in Olot.

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