Who’s Who in the Party’s Internal Debate, by Texil Ortiz Villaseca

Trident Junqueras-Aragones-Rovira The sound becomes especially loud while the party leader is in attendance prison The Secretary General is presentexile. Bear Aragonés takes over the party To the point that he is considered the highest authority and becomes a candidate for the Republican presidency.

to’Electoral progress However, May hurts to the left to get Worst results since 2010. Just get it But 20 representatives With the stage of intoxication they are at Keys to make a boss Illa.

The internal reading of the electoral defeat depends on the regions. While Pere Aragones and Marta Rovira believe it is time to step aside and get started A transformation that leads to a change in leadershipOriol Junqueras believes that the time he spent in prison did not allow him to exercise his position 100% and that he can still resume the new phase of the party.

For this reason, under pressure from Rovira and Aragonés, Junqueras ends up surrendering and declaring that… He will temporarily leave the party presidency after the Europeans are not without offering a fight. He announces that he intends to introduce himself again to November 30 conference Now begins the journey across the region in order to gain the struggle. A struggle that must also be announced before that if the ERC reaches a prior agreement in the investment discussion, negotiations that are still very green at the moment.

But the militancy had already given mariners a warning on Thursday. the Barcelona Federation He had to confirm a prior agreement with the mayor Colbone For Esquerra to enter the Barcelona City Council, but the avalanche of militants in Orfeó Martinenc forced the administration to postpone the vote without a date.

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A statement that avoids confrontation

The presentation of the statement, signed by nearly 500 militants on Monday afternoon, demanding the renewal of the party, makes clear that at least Two factions Within the party and the left is divided between those who want Completely renovate the dome A new phase begins and among those who believe he is president so far Oriol Junqueras is the only value The party must reverse the electoral trend and lead a new project.

Among those who support Junqueras is the Chancellor Joan Ignasi Elena, MP in Madrid Gabriel Ruffian And council members in Barcelona City Council Elisenda Alamani and Eva Barrowarchitects of the prior agreement with Colboni in the Barcelona City Council.

in a different position, Marta Rovira I Peter Aragones. After the electoral defeat of the Catalans, General Secretary, Party Coordinator and Acting President They decided to step aside Assuming that the party needs to renew its leadership.

The Vice President also signed the statement Laura Villagra,consultants Torrent, Chapple and Sales, The prominent membership positions and the old guard are intact Marta Villalta, Sergi Sabria, Ernest Maragall, Teresa Jorda, Ernst Benach or Joan Puigcercos.

The others, those in charge of the executive branch who, at the moment, have not decided or prefer not to announce their position, are the former Chancellor Julie FernandeZ, Director of Communications Oriol DuranMember of the European Parliament Diana Ripa s Raul Romeva.

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