Ukrainian war, Nord Stream, Moscow accuses the United States: “Terrorism, they are the culprits.” Hackers violate Russian TV: “A nuclear attack is under way”

Ukrainian war, Nord Stream, Moscow accuses the United States: “Terrorism, they are the culprits.”  Hackers violate Russian TV: “A nuclear attack is under way”

Soon to be the first naval military maneuver between the European Union and the United States

The United States and the European Union will soon conduct their first joint naval exercise. I disclose qualified European sources. The ships – which belong to European member states and also include an Italian ship – will be placed under EU command and will train with their US counterparts. The location of the mission is currently kept secret. The European Commission today adopted a communication on an enhanced EU strategy for maritime safety that also envisages an “intensification of activities at sea”, also with joint patrols, and greater “cooperation” with partners.

Russia, hackers breach radio and television and announce nuclear attack

A nuclear attack has been carried out. Go to shelters immediately and take iodine pills.” This is the message broadcast on television and radio in some regions of Russia, in what the authorities later revealed was the result of a hacking attack. According to Ukrinform, the alarm spread in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. The Russian Ministry of Emergencies announced at the time Later, radio and television servers were hacked.Other media reports that the notice also reached TV stations in the Moscow region.Images of Russian television broadcasting the warning message are circulating on the Internet.

Presented: “Ukraine has received its first Patriot air defense system”

“Ukraine has received one of the Patriot air defense systems promised by the United States and Germany, but it has not yet been put into operation. Ukraine is also waiting for some Patriot bombers from the Netherlands. The Financial Times writes this in an article in its online edition in which it recalled how “The Patriot is the most advanced medium-range air defense system the West can offer, but it has not been tested against the Kinzhals. Even a similar system, the Samp-T, promised by France Italy, not yet arrived ».

Nord Stream case

It is clear to us that Washington is responsible for this unprecedented terrorist act.” This was stated by Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov in an interview with Russia Today in Arabic, which was covered by TASS, regarding the explosions in Nord Stream. Ryabkov added that the alleged rumors leaked by American sources and published by The New York Times stating that the attack was carried out by a “pro-Ukrainian group” is “a small attempt to deflect international opinion”.

Russia delivers US and NATO weapons from the battlefield in Ukraine to Iran

Russia has captured some of the weapons and equipment provided by the US and NATO on the battlefield in Ukraine and sent them to Iran, where attempts may be made to reverse engineer the systems.

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Four sources familiar with the matter revealed to CNN. The sources told CNN that over the past year, there have been several instances in which Russian forces have captured weapons such as Javelin anti-tank systems and Stinger anti-aircraft systems, which Ukrainian forces have sometimes been forced to leave behind.

They added that in many of these cases, Russia then sent these weapons to Iran for analysis and possibly for Tehran’s army to try to create its own version of this type of weapon. The sources said that Russia believes that continuing to supply Iran with captured Western weapons will motivate Tehran to continue its support for its war in Ukraine.

Lavrov: “Attempt to change power by force in Georgia”

The events of recent days in Georgia have been orchestrated from abroad to create problems on Russia’s borders, and the protests against the Foreign Agents Law were “just a pretext for trying to change power by force.” This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with state television broadcast by the TASS agency.

Britain: Russia needs to stockpile new missiles

The lag between waves of attacks by the Russian military on Ukraine is likely to increase because Russia now needs to stockpile a mass of newly produced missiles straight from industry before it can launch large-scale strikes against Ukrainian air defences. Written by British Ministry of Defense Intelligence on Twitter. Yesterday was the first large wave of long-range attacks since February 16, 2023 and may be one of the largest since December 2022.

Kharkiv Bombing at the Border: Psychological Rehabilitation Center for Affected Children

Russian forces shelled the border in the Kharkiv region, causing damage to the psychological rehabilitation center for children in the area Cuban. Oleg SinigubovThe head of the Kharkiv regional military department reported the news in Telegram, he reports ukrinform.

The enemy continues to bomb the border settlements in the area. Artillery bombardment continues on Vilkovatka in Kobian County. Social things are once again under fire. “The children’s social and psychological rehabilitation center and a school were damaged,” said the head of OVA. He reported that the fiercest front-line fighting was now taking place in the Kobyansk direction, where the enemy was concentrating its efforts and trying to regain the previous position. But our defenders resisted and took heavy losses. The enemy did not succeed. Meanwhile, we continue to strengthen the defense capability of the region in all directions every day.

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Russia has returned the missile carriers from the Black Sea to the base

At the moment, Russia has brought missile carriers to the base, because yesterday it used up almost all the missiles.

he said that Natalia Homenyukthe head of the Joint Press Center for the Coordination of the Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine, during the TV show «Yedeny Noviny», reports ukrinform.

“The missile carriers were in commodities. This is to be expected, because yesterday they shot almost all of their stocks that were there. So, of course, they are rearranging. Let me remind you that at the beginning of the offensive they had a reserve of 24 raid20 of them have been launched,” Homniuk said.

Kiev counterattacks: Russian logistical centers hit

A strong attack by the Kiev army began yesterday evening on sites and logistical centers where the forces and equipment of the Russian army are concentrated on Ukrainian territory: reports from the Ukrainian General Staff were quoted by local media. 13 attacks launched by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Air Force hit an anti-aircraft missile complex, while artillery units hit 6 concentration areas for the Russian military, two logistic centers, 3 ammunition depots, 6 electronic control stations, and 2 anti-aircraft guns. Vehicles at the firing site.

Kiev: We wear the Russians with Bakhmut under the counterattack

Russia changed tactics by convergence Bakhmut A large section of his trained military personnel are “the remnants of his professional army, as well as the most capable private companies” such as the Wagner Group and the “Zaki” units, prisoners who were mobilized from prisons. “It is necessary that they advance in this direction. Therefore, we have two goals: reduce their number as far as possible, lock them up in a few exhausting major battles, disrupt their offensive, and focus our resources elsewhere, for the spring counterattack. So today Bakhmut is completely effective and even superior to its main tasks ». This came in an interview with La Stampa newspaper by an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Mykhailo Podolyak.

“Moscow loses between five and seven times more soldiers than we do. They counted nearly 40,000 dead and wounded in seven months in Bakhmut. Specifically, there is a strategic disagreement between leader Wagner Prigozhin and General Putin Gerasimov, who is joined by Defense Minister Shoigu, ”Podolak continued. Zelensky’s advisor then reiterated that today “there is no ‘option for negotiations’, simply because Russia is carrying out brutal aggression by committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.” In Italy, he added, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni recognized the “nature of the conflict” and that “flirting with the Russian Federation is extremely dangerous. Subjects like Berlusconi or Salvini show absolute myopia and do not receive addresses from statesmen: supporting Russia strategically means supporting an outsider and a historical loser.” Not an act, but a crime and tyranny. What is contrary to the freedom and democracy to which Italy is accustomed. It is a dark historical blot on the self. I do not think Italy needs him.”

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Kiev: The latest Russian attack accelerates the arrival of air defense systems

Russia’s massive missile attack on Ukraine on March 9 will only accelerate the supply of air defense systems to Kiev by international partners. The Deputy Chief of Staff of the President of Ukraine is convinced of this, Oleksey Kuleba, who thus answered a question on national television whether yesterday’s heavy bombing would affect the supply of additional weapons, in particular the Patriot and SAMP / T systems capable of intercepting ballistic missiles. This was reported by Ukrinform.

“It will definitely speed up the process, I’m sure of that. We will first have all the air defense systems we need because the whole world can see the evil that we have to fight every day. So I’m sure it will backfire, unlike what the Russian military expects Kuleba added that Russia is trying to break the morale of the Ukrainians by launching volleys of missiles. “But they will never be able to do that. He stressed that we are fighting for our land, our lives and our homes.

Wagner, Prigozhin’s boss: I was cut off from Putin because I was ordering supplies

Company President WagnerAnd Yevgeny PrigozhinHe said that private contacts with the Russian authorities were cut off because of his requests to supply ammunition: we were “cut off” because of put it in. This was reported in the Prigozhin press service, citing CNN. “To get me to stop asking for ammunition, all private phones in all offices have been turned off and all passages to decision-making departments have been blocked,” he said on his press office’s Telegram channel, adding that he would order supplies of ammunition. . through the media.

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