“Towards weapons based on new physical principles”

“Towards weapons based on new physical principles”

The Pope: To open the paths to peace, especially for Ukraine

“Let us continue to pray for peace tirelessly, let us knock with a humble and determined spirit at the always open door of God’s heart and at the doors of humanity. We ask for the opening of peace paths, especially for dear and suffering Ukraine,” he says Pope Francesco In the message addressed to the participants of the international prayer meeting for peace organized by the Sant’Egidio Community in Berlin on the theme “The Audacity of Peace”. The Pope’s message was read by the Papal Nuncio to Germany, Msgr. Nikola Etorovic, during the closing ceremony held in front of the Brandenburg Gate

BBC: Kim’s train changed wheels at the border

Mystery surrounds the North Korean leader’s trip to Russia. The BBC Verification team attempted to obtain satellite images along the route but the train has not yet been photographed. The BBC tried unsuccessfully to take satellite images at North Korea’s Tumanggang border station where Kim’s convoy changed its wheels because larger wheels were needed to operate on Russian tracks. But no satellite images were taken at Tumanganj or Khasan (located just across the border), while clouds also obscured the train’s satellite view north along its intended route to Russia.

Meanwhile, various foreign media speculate that the meeting could be held at the Vostochny Cosmodrome. Japan’s Kyodo News Agency, citing “sources close to the Russian authorities,” reported that the train was heading north toward Russia’s Amur region, where the space airport is located. South Korean broadcaster KBS World also reported that “observers” see the space station as a possible gathering place because Kim’s train traveled north of Vladivostok, which was believed to be his original destination. Even The New York Times, in an article forecasting the talks last week, attributed to an anonymous source the idea that the Vostochny cosmodrome would be a stop on Kim Jong Un’s journey.

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The Kremlin confirms: Kim has arrived in Russia

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has arrived in Russia. This was reported by Interfax. Russia-1 TV showed pictures of the train that Kim was riding on as it crossed a bridge over a river, its green carriages pulled by a Russian locomotive. According to television information reported by Interfax, the convoy passed “in complete secrecy” through the Chasan station, located in Russian territory near the border, and then continued on the Trans-Siberian railway. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin would be held in the Far East, but he did not mention its location.

Putin: “Political persecution against Trump”

The judicial investigations against Donald Trump in the United States of America are considered “persecution for political reasons.” This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his speech at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. However, Putin added, whoever becomes president, “there will be no fundamental changes in US policy towards Russia.”

USA: Long-range missiles equipped with cluster bombs reach Ukraine

The Biden administration is close to giving the green light to send long-range missiles equipped with cluster bombs to Ukraine. Reuters reported this on its website citing some sources that the US is considering sending Atacms or Gmlrs. According to Politico, Kiev is seeking to push for an announcement on sending long-range missiles to the UN General Assembly next week, but that is unlikely to happen given the tight deadlines.

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The Russian National Guard began recruiting pardoned convicts and veterans of the Wagner mercenary group

The Russian National Guard “Rosgvardia” began recruiting pardoned prisoners who were veterans of the Wagner mercenary group. This was reported by the independent Russian newspaper “Important Stories”, which reported that the recruitment of former prisoners and mercenaries began last August. Journalists have developed contacts with relatives of Wagner veterans who say that conscripts are determined on the basis of the type of crime committed before the amnesty and are not entitled to hold leadership positions. Recruits are required to provide proof of their full service in the Wagner Group as well as proof of having received a pardon. Last year, the Wagner Group recruited 50,000 prisoners from Russian prisons and used them in attacks against Ukrainian websites.

Putin: “Russia is developing weapons based on new physical principles”

Russia is developing weapons based on new physical principles that will ensure the security of states in the coming years: this was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during the 8th Eastern Economic Forum held in Vladivostok. TASS reported this. “If you look at the security sphere, you will find that weapons built on new material principles will ensure the security of any country in the next historical perspective – we understand this very well and are working to achieve it,” Putin said. The development of such weapons – such as laser, ultrasound and radio-frequency weapons – involves the use of new technologies, TASS comments.

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Kim’s train entered Russia

Kim Jong Un’s special armored train has entered Russia ahead of his eagerly awaited summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russian official media reported this. The Russian news agency RIA reported that the train was heading north through the Primorsky Krai region in Russia’s Far East region. The South Korean Defense Ministry said it believes the North Korean leader entered Russia early this morning. A video clip shared by Russia Today yesterday, and whose geographical location was identified by CNN, showed the train allegedly carrying Kim near the Russian-North Korean border near the Tumen River. The US government said last week that the expected meeting in Russia’s far east may be held as part of Russia’s efforts to find new arms suppliers for use in the war against Ukraine.

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