Men and women: Shea’s opinion in episode 28/10/22

Men and women: Shea’s opinion in episode 28/10/22

Today I have to give to Caesar What is the Caesar. or rather a Federica Arversano What is the Federica Arversano.

You know very well that I have never had a special sympathy for him, quite the contrary. Whether for its objective weight, or for that base from which it has stood since the first time it set foot eliusyou want because there’s anyone who gets defended by the sword even when they’re wrong automatically ends up on the sidelines (hello, Ida!), I’ve never been able to sympathize with brave mother subordinate classic throne.

Except today. today when columnist Armando Encarnato I asked her why she goes out with people she already knows she doesn’t like (the one who cares so much about the purpose the show was born for and therefore doesn’t appreciate the people who go out”just for“, stelliiinaand let’s find out”I do not understand his way!‘, I burst into tears and agreed with him. Think how much it cost her, Borella.

I touched a point that makes me think these days. Actually, before I say “I’m feeling a little frustrated”, right? I see boys, first kisses, first passion … Not out of envy – that’s beautiful envy! – But I can’t. I ask myself questions too, do you understand? Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I can’t get close to myself, maybe I put the kids in difficulty or maybe it’s still too early, because in the end I didn’t know much, but even I don’t understand my way!‘I confess very honestly. I appreciate it, I’ll tell you.

Since we’ve known her, we’ve always seen her bold, witty, sometimes arrogant, every time with a warm answer at the ready. To see her for once taking off this armor and imagining the difficulties she faces (which are, eh, it’s not so obvious that in this group of suitors who put you before you there must necessarily be the man of your life, in fact!) made her more human, and a bit wrong. And discover that it has no gold, in the end, but equal You all encouraged me here.

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The one I liked a lot less, this time, it was Federico Briscini. Who on paper could also be right to feel sorry after hearing him say,Nobody hit me‘, and it can feel bad too if you aren’t taken outside (even if you’ve known each other for two days, Riga, even less sometimes! Travel I’ll understand that seeing a new favorite can upset you, but for now she doesn’t want to focus only on a guy or two – more so if she doesn’t have any love at first sight, for another – it could be, eh!). But with this stage out of the studio, he made it out of the box with objectivity and excitement.

That is, the girl you are interested in (theoretically) is to become naked in the worldview and admit – very hard, given her incredible pride – that she has a very hard time letting go, and you are not just trying to understand but you are not trying to understand. Do you even hear it when he tells you that?”They may see me as strong, but all I’m looking for is to be understood. If you have to shoot me, you can get up and walk away!“then reply”Don’t repeat it to me twice if you challenge me I will get up and go!Just to get an applause?

It won’t last long, I know, but I’m around Federica It gave me tremendous affection.

Some other considerations about the loop:

Katrina Corradino And the Biagio Bonomo They were so cute talking about each other, in the clip about their wedding, that they almost chipped their teeth. She was the one who was pulsing with happiness from every pore and who he repeated that he would protect her forever, she was really really Bellini. But their luck was not luck, or at least not only. The program puts you in a position to meet someone you may have never met from there, that’s right, but it’s all up to you. not the questionloves men Biagio They are rare, but they do existThe truth is that there are those who will not withdraw from there even if they meet him truly One such. We know that very well.

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Ida Platano Increasingly uncountable (as Ricardo Guarnieri followed, of course). heir Gemma Galgani (Did you notice now that the place of one crying person for every studio-born couple stunned her, too? jimona Don’t try any more, there’s a lot of little match girl who replaces her well…) After I thundered”I’ve never played with anyone!forgetting that only two recordings ago he admitted that he was waiting Guarnieri for “4 and a half years“(4 and a half years which includes, therefore, his acquaintances Marcelo MessinaAnd the Diego Tafani And the Alessandro Vicenanza) and to close with him permanently (See, lallero!Only after their last dance did all the pomp say that “Now I am strong and very strong!It would be, oh. But the only “strong” thing I’ve noticed in the last two episodes is his nervous breakdown, that’s it.

Lavinia Mauro This – of all the suitors who passed by men and women – Only calls Alessio Campoli The f*ck version with the fan assures me, sum.

Tina Cibulari that when Maria de Filippi shout that “jewel Never leave the number to anyone!“, to reply”He did so well, because no one wanted him anyway“It confirms the main reason I watched this programme.

Video from the episode: full betBiagio and Caterina marriageBiagio and Caterina with an open heartArmando: “Ricardo if you love Ida…”Alessandro: “Ida, I’ve always been afraid of Ricardo!”Ricardo: “Am I in love? About Ida?”Angelo and Gloria: tattoos and controversiesEvidence of the resume of Laura WalterRicardo: “Who am I dancing with?”External by Federica and GiuseppeFederica: “We didn’t get Federico out because…”Federica kills GiuseppeDivorced suitorsAlessio is back in the studioArmando: “I don’t understand Federica’s path!”

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