“Masara and I without a contract: disrespect”

“Masara and I without a contract: disrespect”

Rossoneri’s technical zone director: “I like to be a guarantee for every AC Milan player: I’m not the one who doesn’t win a project”

Not even the time to absorb the leftovers from the Scudetto party, which is at home Milan An unexpected bomb explodes, strangely enough, it was dropped Paolo Maldini During an interview with Gazzetta dello sport. The head of the Rossoneri technical district speaks without filters, very direct as usual, sparing no criticism: “Masara is expired and I have not renewed – He says -. As for the path taken and the Rangnick case, I find little respect for the CEO (Gazidised) ed Elliot They didn’t even sit down to talk, I just say to talk. Because they might tell us that “your business wasn’t good enough to last” or I might say “I don’t like your strategy“. I like to be a kind of guarantee for the AC Milan player.” “I am not the right person to do a project that does not have a winning idea. I can never do that. The truth is that the owners have never sat at the table and that is not good.”

A complete explosion followed the days when the apparent intent to renew the entire administration was liquidated from ownership. minute period Switching from Singer to RedBird However, it obviously slowed down Maldini He liked very little. “For months – the Rossoneri flag continues – cIt has moved to the market but at the moment we do not have the financial resources for this qualitative leap Also because we are in transition” and again: “Three big names will allow us to open a cycle, with a high-level strategy we can compete very much.”

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Perhaps this is the crux of the matter. Maldini doesn’t seem to like the supposed continuity of the previously managed fund Jerry Cardinal. He hoped in a change of gear, in the possibility of moving more freely and investing at a high level, and instead, the information received must have convinced him that the business would always be the same: the search for young talents to exploit in the hope of catching the good joker .. to compete with the forces Great for heroes. Jolie, however, which is not always to be found.

see also

 Jerry Cardinal, Red Bird Milan
Milan-Redbird: Contracts postponed to next week

Today – he actually explains – With a high-level strategic vision, Milan can compete with the biggest. On the contrary, if you choose to see maintenance, without investments, without ideas from Milan, the risk is to remain in limbo. The owner, Elliot or the next, closes the three-year period and understands the strategy he wants for the future. “In short, the message is very clear and the recipients too. The ball at this point is in the hands of Elliot, RedBird and Ivan Gazidis, who we will definitely have a showdown with in the next few days. Meanwhile, the contract between Maldini and Massara has yet to come up, and the risk is that in these The stage may not be there – or it may not be acceptable – it can become high.

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