[MANIFEST] View the Democratic Memory of the Balearic Islands platform

[MANIFEST] View the Democratic Memory of the Balearic Islands platform

On Sunday 10 December, International Human Rights Day and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Balearic Islands Democratic Memory Platform was presented, an initiative that brings together more than 40 community, civil society, trade union and political groups from across the Balearic Islands which have been formed With the aim of defending “the memory and rights of men and women, victims of the coup and the Franco regime, who preceded us in the struggle for democracy and democratization.” Applying public policies of democratic memory at all levels.”

The performance took place on Passeig del Born del Molinar, in front of the statue of Aurora Picconnell and was attended by famous representatives of the struggle for human rights as well as members of the various associations integrated on the platform.

The event concluded by reading the joint statement which we publish below:

Presentation platform for the Democratic Memory of the Balearic Islands

In the face of the agreement between the Popular Party and Vox to repeal Law No. 2/2018 of April 13 on Democratic Memory and Recognition of the Balearic Islands, a group of civil society entities, trade unions and political groups have expressed their concern about this dangerous decision that affects the foundations of our democracy, and we are establishing ourselves as a platform To defend it, and the memory and rights of the men and women, victims of the coup and the Franco regime, who came before us in the struggle for democracy and democratization. In general, to implement public policies of democratic memory at all levels.

A law whose formulation is based on human rights principles, and which was praised by the same UN Special Rapporteur on truth, justice, reparation, guarantees of non-repetition and memory, Mr. Fabian Salvioli, who set an example in the Balearic Islands in applying laws and public policies of democratic memory, during his visit to Mallorca. , last March.

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A law that defends the rights of victims who did not enjoy them before, mandates the removal of Franco symbols from our streets and public squares, and aims in particular to compensate and ensure non-recurrence, and has not provoked any social alarm or demonstration against it. If not quite the opposite, it has been positively received by society through the launch of pioneering initiatives, such as the Postgraduate Course in Democratic Memory at the University of the Balearic Islands, the Democratic Memory Course targeting secondary and secondary school teachers, and the issuance of multiple certificates to recognize the status of victims granted to their families, and direct care service for victims of the Franco regime, with legal advice and psychosocial support, provision of conferences, congresses and studies by recognized specialists, provision of relevant information documenting research, editing of an educational module aimed at teachers and students in educational centres, theater in schools, etc.

A law that recognizes systematic oppression against social, professional or cultural organizations or sectors, trade unions, Masonic lodges, gay groups, women, child theft, and vertical structures of control and confinement of women that operated until a few decades ago.

A law explaining the various facts that occurred, such as victims of torture, unlawful imprisonment, “summary” trials, bombing of defenseless civilian populations, concentration camps, forced labor, forced disappearances, extrajudicial executions, deportation, stigmatization, illegal confiscation of property and sexual violence as an instrument. For torture, terrorism, political exile, etc.

The Popular Party participated in its preparation by introducing amendments to it, until it was approved unanimously by all political forces represented in Parliament. In addition, he knows very well what good results his request has achieved, and the reason for the cancellation, so he is only responding to the ruling agreement demanded by 13% of Parliament, Vox, the extreme right who wants to erase us. Democratic memory, Francoist whitewashing and re-imposition of its narrative. The same state that denies sexual violence, that puts victims and perpetrators in the same bag, is the same that holds its election rallies at the feet of fascist monuments, is the same that wants to annihilate our language, is the same that uses democracy as a hypocritical excuse to spread hateful, xenophobic and homophobic speech. This extreme right, which in its parliament dared to make statements in the style of pure Nazi propaganda, such as “The Democratic Memory Department must be fumigated because it is full of cockroaches.”

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This is the extreme right that the People’s Party has agreed to, indifferent to the pain and fear that this decision will once again inflict on the victims, and contemptuous of the struggle and rights of thousands of people who defended democracy and paid its price with their freedom and with all their freedom. His life.

Therefore, in the face of such dangerous events, we want to emphasize:

We are outraged by this decision.

Our solidarity with the victims of the Franco regime.

– We rejected fascism.

– We reject the distortion of our history and our messages that deny, belittle, or legitimize the terrorist regime that has left tens of thousands of victims.

– Our commitment to human rights and democratic memory.

Our appreciation to all those who fought for freedom and democracy and who, for this reason, suffered marginalization, imprisonment, oppression and death.

– Our firm will to work to defend Law 2/2018, the democratic memory of the Balearic Islands and the rights deriving from it:

Truth, justice, reparation, guarantees of non-repetition and memory.

December 10, 2023

A platform for democratic memory in the Balearic Islands

1. Menorca variation
2. Aurora bicornel collective
3. Mallorca Memory Association
4. Institute of Island Anthropology (IAI)
5. SIAU Teaching Union
6. Memory of Calvia
7. More to Mallorca
8. Darder Mascaro Foundations
9. We can the Balearic Islands
10. Archipelago Society
11. Forum of Memory of Ibiza and Formentera
13. An alternative to polinka
14. STEI interference
15. Memory of Beni Salem
16. Gabriel Al Omar Foundation
17. United Left of the Balearic Islands
18. Left open donut
19. Society for Collective Research
20. CCOO Federation of the Balearic Islands
21. General Union of Balearic Islands Workers (UGT).
22. We are trade unionists in the Balearic region
23. Association of Historical Memory of the Municipality of Pollenca
24. Memories of Menorca
25. Now Ibiza
26. We are S. Castel
27. Now Mao
28. Ciutadella Andavant Voter Assembly
29. Association of Historians and Researchers of Llosita “Mistra Maria Moro”
30. Body
31. We want St. Louis
32. El Xiringuito Theater and Community
33. Embrinda Feminista
34. Feminists in Action
35. Understand the left of the phrases
36. CGT Minorca
37. Atheneum of Commons
38. Federation of Menorcan Residents’ Associations
39. Communist Party of the Balearic Islands
40. Entroples Minorca
41. Esquerra de Menorca – European Union
42. Anti-capitalist Balearic Islands
43. Youth gathering
44. Baptist Mutual Van Schouwen Vassie. Imagine. Chili pepper
45. Cultural work in Balia

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