Letícia continues for another week to become the heroine of the headlines in various media. The birthday of his sister-in-law, Infanta Elena, continues to get people talking even though the celebration was shorter than expected. A family meeting, some details of which emerged, and the distance between Letizia and the other child, in this case Cristina, was clear.
On Wednesday, Infanta Elena summoned her family in a place not in Zarzuela, but in the Papo restaurant, located in the northern region of the country. Madrid. In a fitful manner, the guests arrived at a luncheon at which Al-Fakhri, the Kings and other relatives of the honoree were not missing.
Leticia explains it to her sister-in-law who controls these types of family gatherings
Although it was a private celebration, the fact is that some data has come to light, which allows us to have an idea of what happened at this meeting. Paloma Barrientos, who had first-hand information, explained A TardeAR How all the guests sat this Christmas.
As the journalist knew, the eighteen diners were not placed at a large table, but were distributed among four different tables. Kings Felipe and Letizia would have been seated at the main table, as well as royalty honoraryIrene Greece and other older relatives. The collaborator in the aforementioned space pointed out that “there is a protocol, even if it is related to a family story.”

At another table, three of Infanta Cristina's children, who had come to meet the Marichalar brothers, ate together. In another different photo, the child Margarida, Joan Carles' sister, her husband Carles Zurita, and their children appear. In the last session, the former Duchess of Palma sat with her cousins Simonetta Gomez Acebo, Alexia de Grecia and Mencia Moreno.
Looking at the arrangement of the tables, if anything was out of line it was where the honorary's youngest daughter was left. the Infanta Cristina He did not take a place at the main table, perhaps due to the veto power used by Felipe and Letizia. The kings did not forgive this person for what happened in the Nous case.
What a gesture Infanta Elena He had no choice but to accept despite the excellent relationship he had with his younger sister. Thus, Letizia would have gotten away with distancing herself from her sister-in-law. In addition, the Queen also did not want her daughters to appear at this celebration.
Infanta Cristina can only accept a position that is uncomfortable for her
Leonor was in the Pyrenees to continue her military training. For her part, Sofia returned last December 8 from boarding school in Wales, where she is studying for high school. However, he did not appear, at least in public, to congratulate his aunt on her 60th birthday.

Initially, it was said that the celebration could take place in Zarzuela. However, in the end it was a restaurant where the family was reunited. A celebration in which the Burpo family entered separately and left the building in a staggered manner, without any poses or family photos as they had been accustomed to participating in for years.
Lunch ended around five in the afternoon, when Juan Carles left the capital by private plane that took him in the morning to Madrid. Apparently, several family members continued to reunite in Zarzuela. The encounter was without a doubt the best gift a child could receive.
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