IRPEF Advance Payment VAT No. November: Postponed to January 16, 2024

IRPEF Advance Payment VAT No. November: Postponed to January 16, 2024

Yesterday, October 16, the government approved, in Cabinet No. 54, among other measures, A legislative decree containing urgent measures on economic and financial matters, for the benefit of local authorities, to protect job opportunities and meet needs that cannot be postponed.

Among the rules, the postponement of the second IRPEF VAT advance payment for 2023 has been confirmed.

We remind you that this measure was expected in recent days through statementsRespected Gusmeroli who stated: “Payment in installments for November will already be applied from November 2023 to a fairly large group of taxpayers.”

in detail, Chairman of the Chamber’s Production Activities Committee Alberto Gusmeroli He speaks at the Seventh Annual Conference of the National Institute of Tax Lawyers He added that “…“We are setting a turnover ceiling, perhaps close to 500 thousand euros, to fall within the cancellation of the November advance paid in installments, paid from January to June 2024. The rest of the public comes in in November 2024.”

IRPEF advance payment November VAT number: Payments by 16 January 2024

in detail, Regarding postponing the payment of the second advance payment of direct taxes, It is expected, only for the year 2023 for natural persons with a VAT number who in the previous tax period declared revenues or compensation in an amount not exceeding 170 thousand euros, – Pay the second advance payment of income taxes, excluding social security contributions, No later than January 16 of the year following the reference year, without interest.

Payment can be deferred up to 5 monthly installments, from January to May, ending on the 16th of each month, with interest required, in this case, starting from the second installment.

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Second down payment/or single IRPEF installment: current rules

We remind you that taxpayers who submit their tax returns must pay taxes, using Form F24, within certain deadlines, which vary depending on the type of taxpayer:

  • material person,
  • partnership,
  • Joint stock company or similar entity

Generally, Income tax payments (Irpef or Ires) are made in two stages:

  • The balance relating to the year covered by the return
  • The deposit is for the following year, which must be paid in one or two installments depending on the amount.

Read also: Income tax return for individuals 2023: tax installments and dates to remember

Payments by natural persons

Unless stretchedThe balance of the PF Income Form and any first advance installment must be paid by June 30 of the year in which the return is filed, Or within the next 30 days by paying an increase of 0.40%.

The deadline for any second or first installment is November 30.

Irpef advance is due if The tax declared in that year (with reference to the previous year), net of deductions, tax exemptions, deductions and surpluses, is Above 51.65 euros.

The down payment equals 100% of the tax declared during the year and must be paid in one or two installments depending on the amount:

  • One payment, by November 30, if the deposit is less than €257.52
  • Two installments, if the first payment is equal to or greater than €257.52; The first is equal to 40% by June 30 (with the balance) and the second is i.eThe remaining 60% by November 30.
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The remaining amount and down payment can be paid in monthly installments (November deposit must be paid in one lump sum).

In all cases, the installment payment process must be completed during the month of November.

According to the preview, the provisions of the tax mandate should include, as early as next November, the possibility of making an advance payment in November 2023 in installments for a set of VAT numbers that correspond to income requirements.

Second down payment in installments: As provided by the Tax Reform Authorization Act

We remind you that with the amendment approved in the House Finance Committee, this should be expected Possibility of distributing the second IRPEF advance payment due to VAT holders over several months.

This option, DrThe timely goal of tax reform, In order to ensure that the tax burden is distributed over several months of the year, It now finds space in enabling law.

However, the text of the amendment aimed at installments of the second installment of IRPEF will not change the determination and calculation methods (historical and forecast).

In its closing session, the House of Representatives Finance Committee approved various amendments On the 29th of last June.

Among the notable innovations are those related to Possible installment of the second IRPEF payment.

Also pay in installments for the second advance payment of income taxes due in November, Long speculation It aims to ensure that the tax burden is distributed throughout the year.

The new projections for down payments should include the November installment, which can be paid in installments through June Distribution over several months should not burden public finances.

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