Grottammare, find life between science and science fiction • Prima Pagina Online

Grottammare, find life between science and science fiction • Prima Pagina Online
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Review continues successfully “Anima Mundi”, dedicated to the spirits of cinema and the spirits of the universe. On Thursday, December 16, the universe will be discussed at the Alessio Marini conference: A world of life – The search for life between science and science fiction. The appointment is set for 9.15pm in the screening room of the Ospitale, Casa delle Association, in the upper town of Grottammare.

Alessio Marini, professor of philosophy, is responsible forCole Lyon Astronomical Observatory (OACL). During the evening, he will lead the audience in search of life in the universe, drawing on scientific, literary and cinematic contributions.

What is the probability that life forms exist in the universe? – He asks Marini in advance his lesson. – One, at least one, ours. This is the starting point. Our life had an origin, a turbulent development. And today, as never before, this life realizes its intimate and inescapable relationship with the history of matter, the substance of the entire universe. We have given an answer to the philosophical question “Where do we come from”: We are dead star dust. To the question “Where are we going” we answer: towards life itself. The person hidden in some corner of our galaxy is trying to communicate, or does not want to communicate. That life that opens socially to exploration or that lives biologically on others. Science describes how it is up to man to provide a description of the cause.”

Entry to the hall is allowed only with a green corridor and a mask that must be worn for the duration of the stay.

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