Chuck alla Vita Live: The robbers attacked the Veneto reporter and the crew: “What a fear!” Video

Chuck alla Vita Live: The robbers attacked the Veneto reporter and the crew: “What a fear!”  Video

afraid live life. During today’s episode of the program that he manages Alberto Matano, We talked about cases theft who shake normal state Some housing in Veneto by one space saver, renamed “the VIP squad Because these thefts harm entrepreneurs of a certain influence. In the reporter’s report Flavia Marypetry Talking about Millionaire booty Recorded by 3/4 people, all covered with their faces, which surprised the victims at home at that time the price. And it is precisely at the end of the pre-recorded service that the reporter Philomena Lyon and the Squad Immediately they were surprised by the robbers.

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“I’m fine, but what a scary! Right after the first Connection With you – says the reporter in Matano – they seem to have broken Window From the cars. We were stopped a few meters away from Villa Which was the scene of a robbery (by Fernando Rene Caovilla, shoe entrepreneur, editor) last December 2. they stole bags We had it inside with the computer. Maybe they saw us or we saw the villa Businessman He was still under it stare from thieves. The gendarmerie told us that they are Receiving Many reports are of this kind.

the Photographer Surrounding the glass that the thieves broke: “The gendarmerie told us about it 2 minutes ago They passed here and did not see any suspicious movement. Concerned by what happened, Alberto Matano confirmed: “In three years I have been doing this a program Such a thing has never happened to me.

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Last update: Friday December 10, 2021 at 20:26

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