Augustine De musica between science, pleasure and mysticism

From Sound to Mystery: Conference Show Friday 25 February 2022, 9pm at Palazzo delle Albere – free entry with reservations on Ticketlandia


A journey into Augustine’s theology and reflection on the potential epistemological and ethical role of music.
On Friday 25 February at 9 pm in the Palazzo delle Albere will be organized the presentation of the conference, proposed as an unprecedented collaboration between philosophers, musicians and scientists.
A journey into Augustine’s theology and reflection on the potential epistemological and ethical role of music.
The event is part of the temporary exhibition “The Wonderful Journey between Science and Philosophy” at the Palais delle Albert until 5 June 2022 and in the conference program “Interpretation – The Network of Relationships Created by a Work of Art”.

Alternating between scientific discussion and Gregorian hymn, the audience will be presented with a reading of Augustine de Musica as an attempt at paradigm shift: from the perception of the turbulent world to the knowledge of a universe governed by a conservative God and largely understandable using the tools of logic or science.
The event was organized in collaboration with the University of Trento – Department of Letters and Philosophy and the FN Bonporti Conservatory of Trento and Riva del Garda.
Sponsored by the Trento MusicAntica Festival, Sacred Music Festival, Bruno Kessler Foundation and BlogTeatro e Critica.

For participation, the enhanced green lane and FFP2 mask are required.

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