Andorra increases its aid to agriculture and livestock by 16%

Andorra increases its aid to agriculture and livestock by 16%

One of the main challenges and objectives of the legislative authority of the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is to support the livestock and agriculture sector so that it can continue to be attractive to younger generations and also productive, thus ensuring its sustainability. That is why the government decided Expanding the economic item by 16% Which will be allocated to the sector this year 2024, which means there is a total economic portfolio of 3,581,006.79 euroswhile also amending the criteria and values ​​for granting subsidies.

With this measure, the executive authority plans to implement it “Better support for the sector” And to help it with the necessary transformation so that it can continue over time, with the environmental and productivity benefits that it brings, said Minister Guillem Casal. He noted that the changes have been implemented “They reward those who do their best without losing anyone because our goal is for the sector to survive.”

The aid distribution strategy has been modified according to five main priority axes: directing livestock farms to increase their productivity; Increasing the importance of such assistance that contributes to the preservation of landscapes and biodiversity; Establishing new standards to encourage and promote the breeding and production of Bruna Dandora cattle; Enhancing aids to production under controlled quality systems, and finally; Strengthening aid for organic production. All this makes it possible to preserve, as Casal explained,: “Livestock farming on a large scale and sustainably, while respecting the environment and working for the benefit of society as a whole.”

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Approval of four regulations

Going into detail, the government agreed to update a total of four regulations to assess the amounts granted to the sector in relation to traditional mountain livestock farming practices, meadow cutting, production of quality-controlled products and organic production. Regarding the first, greater value is given to the selection of Bruna Dandura cattle and greater value is given to heifers and cows from 0 to 150 die To encourage improved productivity of livestock breeding shed. Thus, assistance to selected Brona Dandura sires has been increased by 42%, assistance to reproductive males and selected heifers of the Bruna Dandura breed has been increased by 31%, and up to 38% assistance to heifers and heifers has been increased. 150 days of life.

The aid amount was also adjusted based on the percentage change in the consumer price index (+4.6%) for the rest of the livestock, horses, sheep and goats. Finally, doubling the deduction-free tolerance for importing feed 15% Al 30%Although it must be remembered that no deductions are currently being applied to the import of alfalfa, grass, and bran to mitigate the decline in fodder production resulting from lack of rain.

With the same regulation, the assistance amounts for cutting meadows, for specific agricultural practices for preserving the natural environment and implementing improvement plans are also updated according to the percentage change in the IPC for the year 2023 (+ 4.6%). also It is easier to get help for biodiversity conservation Plant if a study prepared by a recognized independent body or expert in the field of biological diversity is presented.

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It is also supported in this sector to encourage fattening of livestock intended for the production of meat marketed under the brands “IGP Andorran Meat” and “Andorra Controlled Quality”. That's why it is increased by one 22% and 33% A premium for fattening calves depends on the duration of birth, three premiums are created for fattening cows, and premiums for fattening horses increase by 33%. 30% for lambs.

In this way, it was also decided that only “controlled quality meat from Andorra” would be considered that obtained from heifers/brothers of Bruna Dandora and cows from Bruna Dandora. An 18-month transition period is in place so that the sector can set expectations to be able to adapt. On the other hand, in order to give greater value to the production of wines marketed under the label “High Quality Andorran Wines”, it was increased by 17% Wine production premiums.

Finally, improvements to the production of products under the organic seal are planned to better accompany the conversion to organic agricultural production and the process of maintaining organic production once the conversion process is complete and “certified as organic”.

Changes determine an increase in 31% of imports of aid allocated for conversion to organic agricultural production and 44% of imports To maintain organic production once the corresponding certification as an organic product is obtained. Indirect aid to organic production continues to be maintained for both agricultural holdings and companies developing organic food processing and production activities as the government bears the costs of monitoring and auditing processes in order to obtain certification as a producer of agricultural products. Organic food products and products.

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