A science comparing different objects: anatomy__

A science comparing different objects: anatomy__

Define and solve: A science comparing different objects: anatomy__. Below you will find the answer to solve the crossword puzzle puzzle week And other games like Cody Cross.

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9-character solution: COMPARATA

Meaning/Curiosity: The science that compares different organisms: Anatomy__
L ‘anatomy Human is mainly the scientific study of the morphology of the adult human body. Divided into anatomy macroscopic e anatomy microscopic…
Prevalent in the teachings of literature comparison In Italy. Although literature exists in Eastern Europe comparison The real one was never practiced…

Definition and solution updated on Saturday 26th March 2022

Other definitions with to know; compare; Different; Objects; anatomy; Knowledge with the unknown. The science that studies the instability of the region; Freud taught the science dealing with bacilli and cocci; check ndo comparison; Controls being compared ndo; they compare ndo; face rsi in competition; Mutant figs are used for various board games; several, some; torn in several places; Super beings are beings from other worlds. The study of the relationship between living organisms and the environment in which they live; human beings; In anatomy we find it near the fibula. The principle of anatomy in anatomy is used in contrast to the caudal. In anatomy it is located between the two epiphysis. Search tariffs

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