Melina, nurse: “I believed a lot in science, and now I’m disappointed, the Covid pandemic has turned into a political ideology.” –

Melina, nurse: “I believed a lot in science, and now I’m disappointed, the Covid pandemic has turned into a political ideology.”  –

Dear Director,

I am deeply disappointed with how you changed the policy corona virus disease pandemic In true ideology: these the left in order to More absolute restrictions (Lockdown, masks, compulsory vaccination, suspensions and fines for dropouts), special ones truly to freedom of choice (Who wants to get vaccinated, who wants to wear a mask, no fines and no suspension for not using the vaccine, no lock).

I work in Emilia-Romagna, where the left was constantly bombarding us with news that the right questioned today.

I don’t understand anything anymore, and frankly I am also disappointed by the failure of vaccines. I was and still am among the nurses who fought the most for compulsory vaccination and sanctions against colleagues who did not agree. Strong also to support unions and my nurses union.

But in the end, I have to change my mind. My mom passed away from Covid this summer after 3 doses, my dad recently after the 4th. They were weak patients, it’s true, but I expected more protection from the vaccine. Something went wrong, something didn’t work, something they didn’t tell us.

I said it before, I am not an incorrupt person, but today I have re-read what has been written by unvaccinated colleagues who have preferred to remain without work in order to maintain their faith in their ideas with some doubts.

Are you sure the policy has told us everything? Are you sure we health workers weren’t used to making guinea pigs? Are you sure drug companies have told us the whole truth?

I don’t know, I’m confused, I’d like to keep believing in science, but after two years of pandemic and political divisions I’m starting to believe less. Maybe I’m stressed, maybe I’m trapped in my soul by two unexpected sorrows, I don’t know, but I’m convinced that a little clarity must be given. This is also why I agree with Giorgia Meloni and the new Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, to launch a serious parliamentary inquiry into the facts. Not to punish anyone, but to give the truth to history.

See also  Marmolada under close watch.

Thanks manager, good job.


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