10 Christmas party deals

10 Christmas party deals

After the first performances, two incombustible successes follow in Parallel: on the one hand, the musical El Petit Príncep and on the other hand, Nada es from Mago Pop Impossible. Many works of Catalan opus are replaced by popular acclaim. Dagoll Dagom’s musical L’alegria que passa returns to Poliorama while America and Smiley, after love, return to La Villarroel and FitzRoy, to Borrás. And if you missed the release of Eduardo De Filippo’s Filumena Marturano with Clara Segura and Enrico Ianniello in the lead roles, you can catch it back. Until January 21.

“The whole year could be Christmas” (Rumia Theater).

The lovable Joan Berra, the one with the humor we’ve seen in all kinds of comedies, turns into the unlikeable Mr. Scrooge to tell Charles Dickens’s famous Christmas story in her own way, making the viewer laugh. With his talents as a voice actor and experience, he has just the wherewithal to tell the story of the transformation of Scrooge, a Christmas-hating being who is visited by the ghost of his former partner. Three Christmas spirits will make him reconsider his lack of heart and turn his life upside down. Until January 27th.

“Picasso, the King, the Monster and the Clown” (Beckett Room).

Concluding The Year of Picasso and commemorating the 50th anniversary of the artist’s death, Rhum & Cia Clowns presents itself in current perspective on the painter’s history, his genius and his connections from the drama of Maria Folguera. Was he a serial killer or a gentleman? The humor gives a lot of play when faced with the multi-faceted character played by Jordi Martinez and has a great cast. An interesting and entertaining proposal, ideal for those who know the artist and for young people approaching him for the first time. Until January 7th.

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“Laly Simon” (Rumia Theater).

The engaging Emma Villaraço combines the difficulties of combining family and work in a work in which she reveals something more of her soul through a script designed for her by Serge Bulbul. A funny and revenge tragicomic piece that turns into a stand-up comedy that ends up mixing reality and fantasy. On the one hand, there is the combative professional humorist who dares anything, and on the other, there is a woman trying to do what she can to care for her dying mother (Mont Blancs) and daughter (Julia Bongoch). Until January 28.

“The Producers” (Tivoli Theatre).

An impressive cast led by Armando Pita (Max Bialystock), Ricky Matas (Leo Bloom), Mireya Portas (Ula), José L. Mosquera (Franz Libkind), and Ángel Lasserre (Roger de Bres) star in the award-winning film adaptation. Musical by Mel Brooks. Sometimes acerbic, sometimes funny, and with moments of audience-involved improvisation, the musical feels like perfect gear.

“Escape Room 2” (Condal Theater).

Joel Juan and Hector Claramont bet on a stunning performance in the second part of Escape Room, a theatrical phenomenon that they also brought to the cinema. It’s worth watching the film on Netflix to refresh before taking on the new challenge the characters are thrown at. Only Joel Joan and Paula Vives remain from the original cast, joined by Anais Busquets and Borja Espinosa. Mónica Pérez, Xavi Mira, Marta Codina and Roger Batalla are among the replacement cast that was created to be able to maintain a high rate of functionality without faltering. With one or the other, excitement, tension and humor are guaranteed.

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“The Neverending Story” (Apollo Theater).

Art, audio, and imaginative publishing to convey Michael Ende’s imaginative world. A song to read, of a thousand and one stories that can be experienced in books and in adventures starring children and adults. An exceptional musical suitable for the whole family and everyone will enjoy it in a different way. Readers of this bestseller will marvel at the mastery with which all the wonderful characters have been crafted, and those who don’t know the story won’t forget it.

“The Conquerors” (Goya Theater).

Ramon Madaula presents a historical comedy based on the character of Jaume I. The author and actor portrayed this character in a fast-paced comedy set on the set of a series about a king who fought against Muslims. His character will become a coach for the actor who will bring him to life in fiction (Roger Koma). But the intersection between the medieval world and the 21st century becomes difficult to digest, especially for the series’ producers, who are looking for the audience above all else. Laughter and history with a wonderful cast directed by Josep Maria Mestres. Until January 14th.

“The Monster of Colors” (Goya Theater).

The famous tale of Anna Llinas comes to life thanks to two artists and puppeteers who bring this story to the stage where six emotions are explained: joy, sadness, anger, fear, calm and love. Children enjoy the monster’s transformation that allows them to clearly understand the complex world of emotions through a doll identical to the one in the story who experiences them all throughout the show. It will appeal to both those who know the story and those discovering it for the first time. The recommended age is from two years. Until January 31.

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“Oliver Twist – A Christmas Story” (Coppola Arenas Theater).

Choreographer and director Coco Comín, a master of musical theatre, returns to Teatre Cúpula Arenas where she premiered Grease with a completely different story inspired by the classic Charles Dickens novel. Oliver Twist – A Christmas Story stars very young children, aged between 10 and 15, some of whom co-star in Billy Elliot, and who are able to act and sing in Catalan as well as dance ballet, jazz and tap. The story of Oliver, an orphan boy in Victorian England whose problems still resonate in today’s world, has been softened in this version. Comín removed the scariest part of the story and chose a happy ending to bring the play closer to a family audience. Until January 7th.

“Frankenstein’s Mother” (TNC).

It’s not easy to adapt Almudena Grandes’ novel set in post-war Madrid, but Ana Maria Riccart and director Carme Portacelli manage to keep the audience enthralled for more than four hours. They have two magnetic actors: Pablo Dircí as a young psychiatrist and Blanca Portillo as Aurora Rodríguez Carballera, a woman who existed in real life and ended up locked in a Cienpozuelpos asylum for killing her 18-year-old daughter Hildegart. His story and those of the other characters reflect a past filled with oppression. Until December 30th.

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