Who will replace him at Mediaset?

Who will replace him at Mediaset?

Upcoming changes Afternoon 5: Possible arrival of Alessandra Fierro as new presenter. Will you replace the popular show host Barbara D’Urso?

despite of Barbara D’Urso announced his return in September, Mediaset May recently reported that starting from the next season, the historical broadcast afternoon 5 It will not be done before Carmelite.

Since then, rumors have circulated about a possible entry Myrta Merlin at the head of the afternoon program on Canale 5. However, according to the La Presse agency, it seems that d’Urso’s place could go to another well-known presenter mediaset.

Actually, it is supposed to Alessandra Fierro, The journalist we have seen in Studio Aperto, Quarto Grado, Controcorrente and Stasera Italia, can take the lead as presenter afternoon 5.

Barbara D’Urso Goodbye: Who Will Replace Her?

Who will replace him at Mediaset?

And Myrta Merlin? However, there must be a “5 pm” to it Alessandra Fierro Barbara d’Urso could inherit as the host of Afternoon 5. At this point, for Merlin There may be a broadcast of it on Sunday.

La Presse reports, Concerning the Future of Television Barbara D’Urso. According to information obtained by the magazine, it seems that the broadcaster Berlinguer will have a prime time and “Stasera Italia” segment every two weeks, alternating with Nicholas Borough In a place Barbara Palombelli who will lead a new program in addition to the “Forum”.

Moreover, Berlinguer will be broadcast on Tuesday evening, while Mario Giordano With “Fuori dal Coro” he will occupy the first Wednesday evening. Appointments for ‘Quarta Repubblica’ on Mondays with Nicola Porro and ‘Dritto e Rovescio’ on Thursdays with Paul Del DePio.

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Also read: Did Federica Panicocchi “steal” Barbara D’Urso’s place? the truth

One thing’s for sure: It won’t be easy for the Fifth Afternoon audience to get used to a new face. Barbara D’Urso She was able to retain her viewers and build a strong relationship with them in those 15 years.

Furthermore, given the two names that are circulating, it seems that Mediaset wants to follow the line of “more reporting and less entertainment (and trash)” in Afternoon 5. It will be interesting to see how the public reacts to these changes and how moving in will evolve with New presenter.

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