WhatsApp, how to write without being seen: a nice find

WhatsApp, how to write without being seen: a nice find

WhatsApp, how to write without being seen: a nice find. It can be a very useful trick for many users

In addition to protecting our privacy, we can better manage our online flights. The ability to write something for someone without worrying about us seeing someone else. Now you can.

The WhatsApp
WhatsApp (@AnsaFoto)

One of the most worrying aspects about using it WhatsApp is privacy. All users have always paid the utmost attention to what are the ways to manage their account Make your movements visible to everyone. Moreover, there is a very high risk of fraud, which has increased significantly in the past period, precisely because of messages from Fake accounts run by hackers. There is also in all of this the usual confidentiality request, To escape from prying eyes at work or in private life. So this is the latest news that can be very useful to a long line of people. To this day, in fact, everyone knows about our online access once we start using it The WhatsApp. Immediately under our name the account Shows the date and time of the connection. This can limit us if we decide to intentionally ignore some messages or not respond.

WhatsApp, how to write without being seen: the answer is Widget

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News coming to WhatsApp (AnsaFoto)

To completely solve the problem, just use Really clever new trick.

The answer to all our problems is called simply widget. What are we talking about? refer to A place still unknown to many. To activate it, simply press and hold an empty space on the phone screen. The screen will shrink and options including this one will appearwhich consists of creating a link between the application and the smartphone desktop.

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You should also keep in mind that every time you receive notifications, you will also be able to read them from widgetwithout the need to log into the application. You can see up to 6 messages at the same time. An excellent turning point for all those who need to write or read certain messages, but cannot be discovered on the Internet for various reasons. You just have to try this very simple method And archive one of the world’s most prevalent issues from the world’s largest chatting platform.

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