What does the controversial migration agreement approved by the European Parliament say?

After years of stalemate due to deep differences between the governments of member states, the European Parliament approved the draft resolution on Wednesday European Charter on Migration and AsylumIt is a package of ten laws that make up the immigration reform agreed in December between the negotiating teams of the Council and the European Chamber.

Among other things, Tightening the conditions for obtaining asylum in the European Union And it establishes “Solidarity Distribution” between Member States for migrants arriving on the territory of the Union.

Polish Prime Minister and former President of the European Council, donald tusk, And Rejection of the immigrant distribution plan. New legislation You will allow, in A kind of “selective solidarity”, offered by countries that do not wish to host their share of transferred migrants, They can avoid the obligation if they pay compensation for each rejected transfer Or provide operational and technical support to countries experiencing greater migration pressures. Tusk said Poland would not accept such a mechanism for transporting migrants despite the passage of immigration legislation.

This reform also stipulates: a Higher control over external borders From the European Union, A Reduce procedure time Security and asylum, and Increase the return of migrants to reduce unwanted migration The Middle East and Africa are a top priority on the European Union's agenda.

Despite the achievement, which the President of the European Chamber described as historic, Roberta MitsolaThe unknown remained from the agreement reached last December until this vote. On the other hand, the agreement on this reform does not favor organizations that defend migrants and human rights. Some activists tried to disrupt the session.

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The Migration Charter has been an unresolved topic for the European Union since the 2015 refugee crisis.

A new European law tightens asylum conditions in the European Union (Reuters/Cisco Fusco)

The green light for an agreement years of discussion

The EU thus overcomes the penultimate measure to convert the new common framework into legislation, the ratification of which will culminate when the 27 countries give their approval before the end of this month.

President of the European Commission, Ursula von der LeyenWho succeeded in breaking the deadlock in the negotiations, celebrated the step taken:

“After years of hard work, the Migration and Asylum Pact has become a reality. It is a great success for Europe. This great success is due to the work of many people.”

“History has been made. We have provided a strong legislative framework on how to deal with migration and asylum in the European Union,” he said. Mitsoli After voting.

The President of the European Chamber added: “With the new Charter on Migration and Asylum, we have defied the difficulties and shown that Europe is capable of responding to the problems that concern citizens.”

A march on the Trajal border in memory of the migrants who died in 2014

Interior Commissioner, Ylva JohanssonHe celebrated the approval: “Thank you for the courage,” he wrote on social networks.

Johansson defended the legislative projects during the discussion as historic and possible to secure them “Orderly” management of migration flows and improved border control.

The European Parliament's joy contradicted the protests of a group of activists who wanted to reach the hall's visitors' podium while booing. “The charter is killing, so do not vote on it.” They threw kites at MEPs in the chamber. Mitsola boycotted the session and called on the activists to leave the meeting. The vote was conducted without incident after a few minutes.

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“Solidarity” is obligatory but elusive

Members of the European Parliament voted one by one on the ten new bills that update the current EU asylum and migration rules, affecting cooperation and the concept of migration. “Mandatory solidarity” but flexible. This new comprehensive asylum and migration policy framework is based on: Distribution of responsibilities The rules are updated on Standards and mechanisms So that each country is responsible for studying the application for international protection.

During the discussion, the success of the vote was not guaranteed. Mitsoli noted that after more than ten years since preparations for this reform began, he said that the agreement would guarantee “The balance between solidarity and responsibility.”

Roberta Mizzoli and Ursula von der Leyen after the vote (Europa Press/Jessica Lichetzki)

In her speech, Ylva Johansson stressed that the agreement “A unique opportunity” that had to be “exploited.”. The Interior Commissioner compared the situation on Wednesday with… Football final “It's time to do it as a team,” he said We scored a goal for Europe“.

Parliamentarians from the majority groups in the European Chamber warned during the debate of There is a risk that voting against this legislative package will include, After many years of negotiations and a difficult agreement was reached at the end of the year.

The Spanish Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar (PSOE), spokesman for one of the main clauses in the charter, which are the crisis and force majeure regulations, considered that what happened today was tantamount to… 'decisive vote' He explained that the result achieved was “better than leaving things as they are and leaving European governments to their fate.”

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Relief and human rights organizations, v

One hundred and fifty NGOs from all over Europe have lobbied for this migration pact not to flourish. Organizations that help migrants and defend human rights do not celebrate the approval of these legislative projects that should govern migration and asylum policy in the European Union.

long Oxfam Intermon He criticizes that these new measures do not solve the problem:

in a permit The Catalan Asylum Action Committee warns of the increasing risks that new laws will pose to refugees and migrants. It is reported that they are criminalized and their right to asylum is violated.

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