USA, golf academy welcomes young Ukrainian athlete

USA, golf academy welcomes young Ukrainian athlete

I started a long journey in KyivAmong the rubble and bombs with the destination United States of America. go first to Budapestthen to Londonhoping to land Orlando Where a new life of sport and golf can begin, in David Ledpater Academy. This is the epic and story of the fifteen-year-old. MichaelmissGoulda young golfer who witnessed in recent weeks with his family the war between Russia And the Ukraine. “We hear 50 explosions a day. It’s a nightmare‘, the young athlete’s statements released to golf. The phrases that did not leave indifferent the Academy of David Leadbetter, who immediately became interested in the boy and began to plan his trip to take him to the United States. Mikhailo’s father is considered to be of fighting age in all respects and cannot leave his country. Thus Misha will begin a new chapter of her life in the United States where her mother will also be sitting by her side, continuing her education (for now) online, through online lessons. Hoping this nightmare would be over soon and dreaming of hugging her father again.

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