Ukraine: new powerful explosions in Odessa. Draghi and Biden will talk about sanctions against Russia – the world

Ukraine: new powerful explosions in Odessa.  Draghi and Biden will talk about sanctions against Russia – the world

The Ukrainian authorities announced a missile attack on Odessa on Monday evening. The BBC reported that three explosions were heard from the city centre. The first sound was loud enough to rattle windows and set off alarms in nearby cars. Russia hit the Ukrainian city of Odessa with three Kinzal missiles launched by a Russian Tu-22. The Ukrainian agency Ukrinform wrote, explaining that the missiles wounded two people and destroyed five buildings of the tourist infrastructure. This was announced by the press service of the Odessa City Council on Telegram. During the day, Russian forces launched a missile raid on the city during the visit of European Council President Charles Michel and Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmyal to the city.

TheUS President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Mario Draghi will “talk about how we can continue to impose sanctions on Putin and Russia. White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said at a press briefing about the Italian prime minister’s arrival tomorrow, and how to continue helping the Ukrainians.

with the attackUkraine, Moscow He responded to a “direct threat near the Russian border”, because “an attack was being prepared, including on the Crimea.” say it put it in during the procession Victory Day The Nazis made it clear that “the horror of world war must not be repeated.” He tells the soldiers that they are fighting “for our people in Donbas and for the security of the homeland.” Russia has always wanted “an indivisible security system, but NATO did not listen to us.” “Crimea’s aggression was a threat on the border, unacceptable to us. The danger was growing every day, our action was preemptive, a necessary and just decision.” Putin has “no doubt” that what he calls a “special military operation” in Ukraine “will lead to results.” “If there was also an opportunity to resolve the Ukrainian issue peacefully, Russia would have taken advantage of it,” he added. The air part of the military parade in Moscow was canceled, officially “due to the weather”, although the sky over Moscow is clear. there The letter Zthe infamous and ubiquitous symbol of aggression in the foreground, is still almost absent from the show. Zelensky: ‘It’s like Hitlercursed by his ancestors. Macron: We help Kyiv, but we are not at war with Russia. From Putin no verbal escalation, now a truce’. Von der Line: ‘We aim to express an opinion on the accession of Kyiv in June’. Shi to Scholz: “avoid widening conflict”. Raiding in Odessa, Michel was forced to take refuge. “Putin’s statements about the presence of Nazis in Ukraine are absurd. There are Ukrainians in Ukraine,” a Pentagon spokesman said. John Kirby, in a press briefing. “We have indications that Ukrainians are being transferred from Ukraine to Russia against their will,” Kirby added, noting that Russian forces were committing “war crimes.” However, the Defense Ministry has not specified how many Ukrainians it believes have been deported to Russia.

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Putin: “The horror of world war must not repeat itself”

The air show has been cancelled
Today the Russian government canceled not only the planned air show over Moscow for Victory Day celebrations, but also those that were scheduled in major cities across the country, including Saint Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don: a decision attributed to bad weather surprised foreign military analysts. “It sounds amazing – Peter Leighton, an expert at Australia’s Griffith Institute of Asia and a former Australian Air Force and Australian Air Force officer, told CNN.” It looked sunny from what I saw. The only excuse was the strong cross winds at the air bases from which the planes had to take off.” In Moscow, the parade was to include 77 fighters blasting across Red Square, including eight MiG-29s in ‘Z’ formation to support forces in Ukraine Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Moscow fair was canceled “due to the weather conditions.” TASS, for its part, has specified that shows in Samara, Kaliningrad and Murmansk have been cancelled.

Victory Day parade

‘A plan of attack against us’
Russian President Vladimir Putin opened the celebration with a speech: Comrades officers, non-commissioned officers, comrades, generals and admirals, I congratulate you on the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory. Even now these days you are fighting for our people in Donbas for the safety of our homeland. Russia has always been in favor of creating an indivisible security system, but NATO did not want to listen to us. Aggression on our historical territory of Crimea was a threat to our borders, which is unacceptable to us. The danger increased every day, and our danger was a preventive action, a necessary and absolutely correct decision.” A delegation of American veterans of the Second World War “would have liked to come to Moscow to participate in the celebrations of the defeat of Nazism, but were they forbidden to “do it”. “The horror of world war must not be repeatedPutin said, referring to this with the attack on Ukraine Moscow responded to a “direct threat near the Russian border” because “an attack was being prepared, including on Crimea.”

Raids in Odessa, fear for Michael
European Council President Charles Michel has been forced to take shelter in an air raid shelter after an alarm over a Russian missile strike during his surprise visit to Odessa today. The emergency escape interrupted his meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal. EU sources reported this.

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Zelensky: Putin as Hitler
“Only a madman can hope to repeat 2194 days of war” from World War II: “The person who today repeats the horrific crimes of the Hitler regime, following the philosophy of the Nazis and repeating everything they did. Doomed. Why? Why? Millions of ancestors cursed him when he began In imitation of their killer. And then everything will be lost. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said this in a video clip of more than 5 minutes, filmed on the occasion of Victory Day as he walked through the center of Kyiv, without directly naming Russian President Vladimir Putin.

We are not at war with Russia.
“In order to end this war, we have adopted unprecedented sanctions and mobilized unprecedented humanitarian, financial and military means. We are not at war with Russia, we are working for the integrity of Ukraine, for the peace of our continent. But it is up to Ukraine only to determine the terms negotiations with Russia. This was stated by French President Emmanuel Macron, speaking in Strasbourg at the conclusion of the conference on the future of Europe.

Telephone conversation between European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. “On Europe Day we talked about EU support for Ukraine’s European path. We look forward to receiving responses to the EU membership questionnaire. The Commission aims to give its opinion in June,” von der Leyen wrote in a tweet.

Risks to the economy
The invasion of Ukraine led to “increasing economic uncertainty”. This was stated by the US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, stressing that there is “the potential for continued volatility and erratic global growth.”

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