TRANSFEMMINONDA 5.03 – Sciences and genres: meeting with the authors of “Oltre Marie”

TRANSFEMMINONDA 5.03 – Sciences and genres: meeting with the authors of “Oltre Marie”

In this book, authors Nastassia Cipriani and Edwige Pizzoli reflect on the rhetoric of neutrality and impartiality that characterizes the scientific world and how science is told through the stories of brilliant individuals, fueling stereotypes, prejudices, and false myths.

It came out on September 6 Further than Mary. Gender perspectives in science Written by scientists Nastassja Cipriani and Edwige Pezzulli, published with Multiple publishing house

Nastassja Cipriani and Edwige Pezzulli are interim researchers, and currently research fellows at the University of Turin, the first, and the National Institute of Astrophysics, the other. Nastassja is a mathematician who deals with science and gender in its various forms, from discrimination in the academy to feminist epistemology. Edwige is an astrophysicist who deals with science communications and projects at the intersection of science, gender issues and marginalization.

In this episode, Eva and Marie from the TRANSfemmINonda editorial team will talk to them.

In the book, the authors reflect on the topic of language and ask themselves what is the right way to build a scientific communication process that puts science in dialogue with feminists. By referring to their book, they explain what choices, compromises, and specific weights were assigned to the different spirits of the book, so that the text embraces the feminist scientific approach, without neglecting the communicative goals.

By listing the topics covered in the book, they focus on the part dedicated to deconstructing traditional science fiction. Different from what we have always been told, the scientific enterprise is imbued and conditioned by the culture and society in which it operates. The outlook of those who construct scientific theories is therefore profound partial This is why there can be no absolute truth or universal knowledge.

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The authors also address the issue of instability within the academy: despite the rhetoricExcellence It is very common today in the world of research that it is not merit, talent or profession, but weaknesses and fragility in the subjects (social, economic and psychophysical), that determine who leaves the academy and who stays, who becomes a scientist and who does not.

TRANSfemmINonda of 10/20/2023 – Science and species: meeting with the authors of “Oltre Marie”

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