noYou will have heard about it for sure. Still there tomorrowthe By Paola Cortellisi It makes very good profits (So far the stolen items have arrived 14 million). We laugh, we get emotional, we feel angry and relieved. Above all, there are applause on the screen, and reports of roars and possible standing ovations arrive from the cinemas. But at school, as if we were in the 1940s from the movie, teachers load classes onto buses: manage multiplexes (who knows if with confiscated smartphones so as not to interrupt emotions).
In short, this is a movie that should be watched, even more than once (multiple viewings also come from the news). As for the critical votes (few) and the supportive ones (many), they have little value), the wave of consensus has now become a river of word-of-mouth happily emphasizing the “one-off.” For once in the cinema there is an Italian film running, This is not trite, crude, trivial, plotless or pretentiousthat is, with message.
To tell the truth, it also contains the message There’s still tomorrow. Moreover, this is already in the title which is reminiscent of Rosella O’Hara’s logo. But in this participatory form that mixes comedy, melodrama, musicals, slapstick, dark circles, and shabby clothes, Paola Cortellisi makes it happen with grace and familiarity. Postponement and misguidance between escaping love and duty, And throw away half of the classic Italian cinema. Because if looking into the future is crazy scary, you might as well make the most of it The basics of urban cinema that knew how to entertainAnd it hurts.
And to find new narrative paths, There Is Still Tomorrow, specifically. while, We live on black and white nostalgiaa direction that opened in 2011 before the artistAnd more lively than ever. Romantic comedies are dead Marvel is dead – if not in intensive carethe reservoir of stories is there again and again Humanity of the twentieth century before any collapse (Berlin Wall, privacy, education, ideologies, right to government).
Except that for it to work, this pre-post-modern humanism, In short, to touch upon the giants of Visconti, Scola and Rossellini of the 1940s and 1950s. (and at the end of the 1930s it was filmed in the 1970s), you have to be good. Courtlessi is. One might rebuke it for a certain schematic nature, the absence of some pieces, out of respect for it, because it was the first work. But each part describes Delia’s life – She is married to Ivano (Valerio Mastrandrea), who drives her and has a daughter to marry and two sons who ignore her – they form an honest and innovative core.
There’s still tomorrow: All the films mentioned by Paola Cortellisi
Beautiful By Luchino Visconti (1951)
From the movie with Anna Magnani The mother of the girl he dreams of (and does everything to ensure) his future in cinema, There’s still tomorrow Basement house restoration. With children spying through the shutters, walls corroded by damp, furniture recovered. Like Maddalena Ciccone, then, Delia is an improvised nurse (But not only) who goes for home injections.
But unlike Maddalena, who spends all her husband’s money, she is more careful with money management. Seventy years ago, she became a sort of Delia gold Roleto Who collects money for the purpose of strategy, and this reassures the viewer. However, they remain two completely different personalities, So yes They touch Still (apparently) in a piece of clothingblouse.
The one Delia made With dotted fabric bought from the haberdashery In fact, it bears the stamp of homage to one of the ones worn by Magnani (which had a geometric pattern).
Anna Magnani and Tina Apicella in the movie “Bellissima”. (Getty Images)
Siosiara Written by Vittorio De Sica (1960)
Excerpt from the movie Academy Award for Best Actress for Sophia Loren It’s old love that hasn’t been buried. But it is difficult to revive it, however, with current support: Giovanni and Nino. played before Rafe Vallone and Vinicio Marchionne. If Giovanni is a good whiner of few words, transfixed by Cissera’s (Lorraine) beauty and still insulted that she married a rich old man; Nino is gentle and almost submissive.
They both offer help. Giovanni promises to check the grocery store while Sisira and her daughter take shelter from the bombs in the Ciociaria; He also manages to steal a moment of intimacy before Cesira and her daughter escape to Ciociaria. Nino, rejected by Delia who looks at him with enchanted eyes in favor of Ivano (but the film does not explain why), proposes to the woman to go with him to the north. They will make a new life. Meanwhile, in front of the workshop not even a kiss.
Sophia Loren and Eleonora Brown in La Ciociara. (Getty Images)
Certain day Written by Ettore Scola (1977)
It is the most cited film among these inspirations Still there tomorrow. Yes, the scene of clothes hanging on the balcony is exactly like what we saw in Scola’s movie. Yes, Delia and Antonetta (Lauren, again) are housewives who are exhausted by the husband (and kids) of them all “You’re worthless and you’ve been home alone all day and this is dinner.” But apart from clothes and family, they have two different adventures.
Antonietta, the wife of a fascist who accompanies her children to the big march on the occasion of Hitler’s visit to Rome, is a simpleton who falls in love with her gay neighbor. Who charms her and embarrasses her with jokes and gestures, lonely and desperate like himAnd one minute before committing suicide. Delia is eroding from the inside, He only has Marissa as a close friend (Emanuela Fanelli) who makes her laugh, encourages her and cheers her on.
She’s depressed like Antoinette, But in crucial moments she discovers herself resolute. For example, without knowing a word of English, she was able to ask an Allied soldier if he would be so kind as to plant a bomb in her would-be in-laws’ shop. More than a party relay.
Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni in the movie “A Special Day.” (Getty Images)
Pisa Written by Roberto Rossellini (1946)
This is where it comes down to replay Naplesan episode of the film contains six and is part of the story The second movie of The War Against Fascism Trilogy. One of the pinnacles of neo-realistic cinema. Younif Josephan African-American actor and musician of Italian descent who plays the role of a soldier William in There’s still tomorrow It was clearly modeled after that Johnson’s points; in Pisa TURN INTO THE ROLE OF A BLACK SOLDIER OF THE ALLIED FORCES: Atmosphere.
Paola Cortellisi and Yunov Joseph on the set of “There’s Still Tomorrow.” (@Joseph)
Their communications are changing. William Christens Delia “Hello, Defoe-Anna” (because he is always in a hurry), he gave her a piece of chocolate (there was also a similar but choral scene, with candy being thrown from the tanks, Siosiara) and then gives her that great pleasure of explosiveness. Joe, half drunk, has his shoes stolen by PasqualeThe street urchin who listens to all his stories and then sees him sleeping, takes off his shoes.
After finding the boy among a group of homeless people, Joe turns around in a daze, realizing that the boy has no family, and who certainly died in the bombing.
Anna Magnani in the movie “The Reverend Angelina”.
Dear Angelina By Luigi Zampa (1947)
Anna Magnani again. But with a movie where Nanarella is a commoner A charismatic person who leads an illegal property occupation, so the entire neighborhood wants him in Parliament, Delia Cortellesi doesn’t have much to do.
Angelina doesn’t stand dazed in line for pasta like Delia and other unfortunate people; He attacks and empties the grocery store owner’s warehouse Who says he has no stock. Mina ends up in prison. And who knows what he would have done if he had met a soldier like William: undermining Montecitorio?
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