The Socialist Workers’ Party and the Popular Party clashed over attendance at the Puerta de Alcalá rally

The Socialist Workers’ Party and the Popular Party clashed over attendance at the Puerta de Alcalá rally

Numerical disagreement Between the Socialist Workers Party and the Popular Party after the rally in Puerta de Alcala that served the people to light the street against the amnesty law. As usually happens in these cases, the attendance figures are not clear when talking about the concert 80,000 peopleThe Spanish government delegation reduces attendance to one Maximum 20,000. This allowed the PSOE to consider, through Twitter, that this record implied that the PP “I’ve been hacked“As arguments, socialists point to two directions: auxiliaries.”They haven’t even reached half of their final call“In addition, it represents”Nine times lower than in November 2023The PSOE even put the poster into circulation #pinchazovigio.

📝 The People’s Party lights up the street against the amnesty: Ayuso says he is a “killer for Spain” and Figo calls for elections

However, it did not take PP long to respond. Sources from Genoa answer that it is “surprising” that the PSOE is now talking about a “hole” when it was a month ago.They officially boast a half-feraz call-upof people supporting Pedro Sanchez. This was the socialist gathering during the Spanish president’s five days of reflection. The same popular voices point the finger of blame at the wound: “Even the Spanish government admits that Figo is mobilizing more than SanchezOn that day, the Spanish government delegation counted the attendance 12.500 And the same PSOE in 20,000. In addition, from the People’s Party, they issue a challenge to the Socialist Workers’ Party: “If you think that today’s turnout is low, We invite you to match or improve it next week“.

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However, the Spanish government insists: “They stabbed because people were fed up“, declared the Minister of Regional Policy and Democratic Memory, Angel Victor TorresAt an election campaign event in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The sting, in his opinion, has two stages: “Today they will strike Madrid, and on June 9 they will strike the ballot boxesIn the same context, the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts affirmed, Felix BolañosHe coined the expression tingling He added in a tweet on Twitter that the People’s Party “defends the unity of Spain”, while “Nostalgia Club for Independent Operation“.

And other demonstrations against the amnesty

The People’s Party’s last street meeting was in January, two days before the plenum that was supposed to ratify the amnesty and which ended with a “no” from Güntz. On that occasion, in the Plaza de España, popular crowds gathered 45,000 people According to the Spanish government delegation and 70,000 as per PP. And November 2023, the date referred to by the Socialist Workers’ Party, after the announcement of the agreement between the Socialist Workers’ Party and Istiqlal on the amnesty law, and in the midst of Ferraz protests vehementlythere was Two big protests: That of PP, in Puerta del Sol, with 80,000 people According to official accounts and one promoted by a hundred civil organizations from the right and extreme right environment, which is what the Socialist Workers Party refers to, with 170,000 participants In the eyes of the Spanish government delegation. In both cases, the relevant organizations counted the flow of people In nearly a million people.

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The first muscle sample was on September 24thAvenida Felipe II, two days before Feijóo’s failed inauguration. That day, in front of Ben 40,000 and 65,000 peopleThe leader of the People’s Party likened the amnesty to “Change in the constitutional system“On the other hand, and on a smaller scale, the People’s Party gathered in December between 8,000 and 15,000 People in Debod Temple To call for permanent mobilization against the “Latin American guerrilla investigator”.

Teresa Ribera accuses Feijóo of “imitating” the far right

In the same act in which Torres mocked the People’s Party, the Socialist Workers’ Party’s candidate for the European elections, Teresa Ribera, also made accusations against the popular. The current third vice president of the Spanish government, the leader of the People’s Party, accused… Alberto Nunez ViejoAfter he went fromWhitewashing of the far right“Through coalitions in regional governments in”Imitate yourself” with her. “It came from moderation“, he joked. Ribera lamented that the PP has “normalized the far right” to the point that he “has no objection to saying exactly the same thing”, which has turned popularity into “Party without shameIn this context, the socialist candidate put voters in a dilemma regarding… June 9“Rights and freedoms, the Coexistence, democracy, progress And the future” raised by the PSOE or “la Freedom from insult, from aggressionIn order to normalize the extreme right and bankrupt the right’s public space. Ribera warned that the victory of truth would… European Parliament It could lead Europe to “more irrelevance, more conflict, more coexistence, more rights, more people, more business, more cynicism.”

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