The science behind your craving for food during pregnancy

The science behind your craving for food during pregnancy

There is something beautiful about him Craving for food during pregnancy And the fact that your partner is running around in the middle of the night to find exactly that flavor of ice cream you crave. And there’s something ridiculously comforting about your ability to blame your baby’s tummy for your craving for unhealthy foods.

But is it possible that your alibi is actually a myth?

We explore three popular theories as to why pregnant women crave certain foods and ask the experts if you should indulge your selective appetite.

Hormones spoil the senses

“We don’t really know what causes pregnancy cravings,” says Jenny Jack, M.D., a gynecologist in Los Angeles. “I think there are more factors involved, but it’s easier to point out the hormonal changes that are going on.”

The sense of smell can become more sensitive during pregnancy, and we know that pregnant women, especially early in pregnancy, may experience an aversion to food, especially strong-smelling foods. And therefore, Foods that taste and smell best during that time They are what women want.

You have a nutritional deficiency

A common belief when it comes to cravings for a particular food is how your body tries to correct the imbalance.

For example, you may die from eating red meat due to a lack of protein or iron. The latter is A mineral that every pregnant woman needs. The higher your blood volume during pregnancy, the lower your iron level.

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Cravings for food during pregnancy

But if you’ve been craving some fried cheese, you may not want to give up. While a craving for dairy may indicate that your body needs more calcium (another important mineral during pregnancy—double if you’re carrying twins), that doesn’t mean it needs a greasy snack to fuel cravings. Instead, your brain and taste buds simply suggest a tasty solution to the nutrients you’re lacking when A glass of milk would be a healthy alternative.

Eating for two

Is your mother-in-law pressuring you for seconds now that you have a loaf of bread in the oven? Sorry to tell you, but eating double meals – one for you and one for the baby – doesn’t make sense when your baby is the size of a kumquat. There is a lot to be said about the influences around you, and it can be passed down through generations that it’s okay to eat for two. But, these days, there is a lot of evidence for that Eating a lot of foods rich in calories, sugars, carbohydrates and fats can be harmful. Women who are excessively overweight during pregnancy are more likely to develop pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and complications during childbirth.

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