The Science and Technology Foundation in Florence is presenting the results of the Science Snack project and showing four closed rooms to the public so far

The Science and Technology Foundation in Florence is presenting the results of the Science Snack project and showing four closed rooms to the public so far

(AGENPARL) – Friday, June 16, 2023 The Foundation for Science and Technology opens its doors
It presents the results of the Snack Science Project
Project conceptualization involving staff and experts
from the University of Florence and the National Optical Institute and Museum
Galileo, who presented their expertise. They open for viewing
Four rooms on the first floor, hitherto closed to the public
The Foundation for Science and Technology – Planetarium Florence presents the results
Among the works carried out in recent years that were offered for inspection are three new rooms
Rearranged on the first floor thanks to the contribution of the CR Firenze Foundation,
And the results of the MUR-funded Science Snack Project are in range
Including many podcasts and conferences addressed to her
Streaming, videos, and posts, which emerged in the months of the pandemic
An important resource for school audiences.
The three rooms open as a preview while awaiting installation
Elevator, host, among other things, metal ensembles ei
foraminifera Brendel flowers, Blaschka sea animals and candles
Instrumental works by Luigi Calamai and oil canvases by Egosto Tortori, these
the latter premiered together (66); Geography room
Dedicated to Giacomo Trabuco.
At the same time, the access corridor
Planetarium, entirely dedicated to astronomy, with globes on display
Celestial bodies and instruments: a digital planetarium that allows reading
The sky at any time of the year, at any latitude, with a digression
Animating even the distant past, lets you present opportunities
Exceptional for the study of ancient and contemporary astronomy.
For the Science Snack project, the strong point was potential
Use Museum Collections tools, which allow you to
contextualizing and framing knowledge development, in an approach,
Which combines research progress and new research experience
Techniques, for the effective teaching of science and history
Project conceptualization involving staff and experts
from the University of Florence and the National Optical Institute and Museum
Galileo, who offered their experiences as points of reference for
Take a cue from the museum’s exhibits and exploit the potential
Planetarium, 65 videos were made explaining some of them
Aspects of the collections and reflect the different departments of the museum:
Library and collections of natural sciences and commodity products,
Physics Cabinet and Planetarium.
So implementing the website and social channels was a goal
That made it possible to create opportunities for promotion
Scientific and technical culture also in school courses at all levels e
degree, and suggest the default use of scientific laboratories
Foundation through multimedia tools.
As part of the project, the Science and Technology Foundation organized,
In fact, a series of DAD lessons, through the use of hardware and
Also typical methodologies for seminar teaching and
Experimental lab work, conference session, to clarify all
The general public The latest research in the field of astrophysics.
The meetings were held on a digital platform. conferences
Followed live and in attendance: For the audience in the room, it was just that
There is also a simulation of the topics covered in the planetarium.
Multilingual translation (IT, EN and LIS – Italian Sign Language), of which
Equipped with products made, allowing disclosure of the plan
national and international, with special attention to related groups
Sensory hearing loss.
“We are involving more and more teachers, students and many Florentines –
Explains the head of the Science and Technology Foundation prof
Donatella Lippi – In initiatives able to unite the world of research prof
And to spread it, but also to produce, in order to grow
Wide awareness of the importance of science and technology
For the daily life and sustainable development of society.
Science and Technology Foundation, as part of the “Science Snack” project,
He also issued five publications related to some of the topics covered
In the videos, allowing you to explore some aspects further
from its museum collections.
In particular, a series of publications were launched with these volumes
related to the heritage and activities of the Science and Technology Foundation,
It aims to “promote and facilitate the dissemination of culture
Scientific technology and contribution to protection and promotion
Of impressive technical-scientific heritage of historical interest
I stay in Italy.”
Best Regards

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