Regardless #100. Homo Bulletin. Towards a New Anthropology. Essay on exploration science

Regardless #100. Homo Bulletin.  Towards a New Anthropology.  Essay on exploration science

Homo Bulletin. Towards a New Anthropology (Hograve publisher) From Martin E.B. SeligmanAnd the Peter RailtonAnd the Roy F Baumeister And the Chandra Sripada It offers us a new field of psychological study, which no longer takes the model of past and present as reference but rather the future, with all the interesting implications that it entails of projecting ourselves forward rather than backward.

So the authors speak of a handover from Homo sapiens to the Homo Bulletin: «We have a name that doesn’t fit us. Homo sapiens means “wise man,” but unlike Homo habilis, “the skillful man,” and Homo erectus, “the upright man,” the name we bear today is not an exact description of how things are, but merely an aspiration, one of which is hard to come by. everybody.

If it were not so in wisdom, then in what species is our species so successful that it fears no comparison with any other? Someone answered: in language, in tools, in a tendency to kill, in rationality, in an unpleasant taste on the palate of predators, or in cooperation, to name a few. But a closer look at what other social mammals, birds, and insects can do leads us to question our uniqueness in each of these aspects.

So how Gilbert (2006), we believe that what specifically characterizes Homo sapiens is man’s unparalleled ability to direct one’s actions by imagining the various possibilities that unfold in the future – that is, ‘mining’. Prospecting is the skill that, in its highest expression, realizes the aspiration of wisdom. So we’d better call ourselves Homo Bulletin.”

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When the ability to contemplate our possible future characterizes mankind, the approach by which human behavior and actions are studied necessarily changes; The authors therefore analyze all areas in which observational criteria need to be updated, such as learning, memory, cognition, emotion, intuition, choice, conscience, morality, personality, creativity, and also mental illness.

Excavation is therefore the heart of this interesting and fascinating article, which is certainly aimed at those who already know the subject but can also be appreciated by those curious to discover new frontiers for psychology, which is closely related to philosophy, neuroscience and anthropology. Moreover, by endowing man with deep perspective and imaginative abilities, the authors widen the margin of his self-expression and above all allow him to finally regain possession of the exercise of free will.

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