Teenagers have great confidence in science

Teenagers have great confidence in science
Teenagers have great confidence in science

Save the Children: 1 in 3 are convinced that answers about aging and climate will come

The world’s teens have complete confidence in science. Eight out of ten believe it is data-based rather than guesswork and is geared toward the common good rather than the interests of a few; 1 in 3 believe that population aging, sustainable energy, reducing polluting emissions and socioeconomic disparities are the main issues that science will have to address within ten years.

These are some of the results of an Ipsos survey conducted for Save the Children, on a sample of 1,000 children aged 14-18, on “Scientific Citizenship – Young People’s Views and Attitudes Regarding Science in the Time of the Coronavirus” contained in the twelfth edition of the Atlas of Childhood at Danger in Italy 2021.

When asked about the future after the pandemic, 50% believe that their economic future compared to that of their parents will be the same or worse, and 54% say their quality of life will be the same or worse than that of their parents.
Today, according to interviewees, the topics to be addressed for science are epidemic (54%), cancer control (38%), waste disposal (32%), sustainable energy production (31%), and global hunger (29). %). But over the next 10 years, they point to different priorities, imagining that among the most pressing are population aging (33%), sustainable energy production (32%),
Economic inequality (27%). When asked who they feel represents their best ideas for the future of society, trust falls on NGOs and voluntary organizations (35%), movements such as Friday for Future or Black Lives Matter (27%), less on influencers (19%) and only 10% on influencers. some political parties.

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Angela Tangora

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