SUPERENALOTTO LOTTO 10 ELOTTO: Winning / extraction numbers May 17: All winnings

SUPERENALOTTO LOTTO 10 ELOTTO: Winning / extraction numbers May 17: All winnings


May 17 Draw from Superenalotto He sees as a winning combination which is the combination of numbers 79, 65, 29, 32, 26 and 48. Julie number 53. The total prize pool for the competition is €5,263,180.20 which brings the prize pool up to 201,381,377.05€.

In this draw, 0 points are 6 and likewise 0 5 + 1. As for the five, we have six wins of 3,9842.27. The four earn 485 wins, worth €463.22. The three-way group was hit by 21,367 people for €31.69 each while the two-point group was hit by 351,743 people for €5.98 each.

Lucky numbers in a lot

Let’s move on to the lottery, with the draw on May 17th. Let’s check All the lucky numbers for today. The Number 1 has been shot three times on the wheels of Naples, Milan and Rome. Both Genoa and Palermo have the number 35 while the 62 was issued on the Venetian wheel and on the National wheel. No. 5 in Florence and Milan while 4 in Venice and Cagliari. Venice and Florence have the 28th. Rome and Venice share the 83rd.

LOTTO and SUPERENALOTTO, the winning numbers in today’s snippets

A few moments ago the winning numbers from Much And 10eLotto We will read it with you. Sixth after winning SuprinalottoWe begin our usual journey between extraction of these competitions. Recommendation: Make a thorough check, by contacting the official channels or by going to a trusted betting shop, to be 100% sure of the coupon result. Do not leave yourself to anger and disappointment and do not tear the gambling bill into a thousand pieces; In fact, lucky combinations often do not immediately catch the eye and require careful verification.

Here are the winning numbers for Much And 10eLottoWhich determines the competition picture after Suprinalotto. (Agg. by Alessandro Niedi)

Click here for the winning numbers and symbols to extract this symbol

Extract 10eLotto n ° 59 on 05/17/2022

4 – 5 – 8 – 14 – 16 – 21 – 22 – 23 – 24 – 30 – 31 – 38 – 50 – 51 – 71 – 72 – 74 – 80 – 83 – 85

Golden Number (first extract from Alpari’s wheel): 16

Double Gold (1st and 2nd synopsis on Alpari Wheel): 16 – 31

additional: 1 – 9 – 25 – 28 – 32 – 33 – 35 – 39 – 58 – 59 – 61 – 62 – 78 – 82 – 90

(The winning numbers in the Lotto and 10eLotto contestants are published on the official website of the state monopolies We decline all responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the winning numbers, and invite you to do so. Check directly on the monopolies website and / or in betting shops)

Lotto – Drawing No. 59 dated 17/5/2022
Barry 16 31 30 50 81
Cagliari 14 4 24 61 87
Florence 38 5 28 33 39
Genoa 80 22 58 35 88
Milan 23 72 9 5 1
Naples 85 71 82 1 39
Palermo 50 23 78 39 35
Rome 74 83 32 90 1
Turin 51 8 59 25 23
Venice 21 83 28 62 4
the National 51 31 67 54 62
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(The winning numbers in the Lotto and 10eLotto contestants are published on the official website of the state monopolies We decline all responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the winning numbers, and invite you to do so. Check directly on the monopolies website and / or in betting shops)

LOTTO and SUPERENALOTTO, the numbers that led to the jackpot

The Superenalotto has been revealed with a new raffle, which awards a tough grand prize even just to imagine. If you think about winning, you will actually get a prize of 205 million euros: a really loud character! Precisely for this reason, there is an atmosphere of great anticipation on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. We at “” have transcribed the figures drawn in real time, in order to ensure a timely overview of the prize competitions scheduled for today, thus turning our attention to the Lotto and 10eLotto results.

Coming soon to reveal Lotto and 10eLotto winning numbers: We wish you all the best with your Superenalotto winning numbers! (Agg. by Alessandro Niedi)

The last tie Superenalotto n. 59 on 05/17/2022

winning combination
79 65 29 32 26 48

Jolly Number


(The winning numbers of the Superenalotto contest are published on the official website of the state monopolies We decline all responsibility for any errors in the transmission of winning numbers, and invite you to do so. Check directly on the site of the monopolies and / or in the betting shops)

Lotto and Sobernalotto, today’s excerpt: May 17, 2022

Today, Tuesday, May 17, 2022, a new date with Lotto Extract, 10eLotto and SuperenalottoOn the occasion of the Sisal Competition No. 59/2022. This is the lotto extract number 7 for the current month, through which we hope that the blindfolded goddess will be merciful towards her players. In the meantime, let’s take a look at the previous competition on Saturday, starting with the lotto. The Agipronews portal, as usual, gives us a report on the gains collected from Lotto: Veneto, where there are actually three gains recorded, has been capped at €54,900. The first, valued at 27,000 euros, arrived in Gazzo Veronese, in the province of Verona, where a dry tern (5-14-19) was struck on a rifle wheel. The second was recorded instead in Montebelluna, in the province of Treviso: 14,500 euros always on the Lotto di Venezia wheel. The latest prize awarded in Veneto comes from Negrar, in Verona, where a lucky player received €13,800 with a stake in all Lotto reels.

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The highest winning lotto competition was recorded on Saturday in Colegno, province TurinThanks to the combination 52-58-66-77-90 on the national wheel, with a prize of 33,750 euros. It is also celebrated in Campania, in Ercolano in the province of Naples, with a win of 25,000 euros on the National Lotto wheel and in Mirabella Ecclano, in the province of Avellino, with a win of 14,000 euros on the Neapolitan wheel. Link. Double Stroke Lotto also in Lazio: 14,250 euros in Rome and 14,050 euros in Baliano, in the province of Frosinone. The latest lotto contest has been distributed 8.5 million euros, totaling 379 million euros since the beginning of the year.

What do they say about 10eLotto? Lombardy awarded. In fact, there are two registered wins, one in Milan and the other in the province of Como, totaling 45 thousand euros. In particular, 7 Double Gold worth 25 thousand euros was struck in Civenna, while in the capital, a lucky player received 20 thousand euros thanks to 9. However, the highest payouts were recorded in Santa Marinella, in the province of Rome. It reached 32,500 euros with 7 euros. Accommodation in Lazio, it is also celebrated in Velletri, in the province of Rome, where 10 thousand euros were struck and 8. In the province of Reggio Calabria, on the other hand, in Bova Marina, a prize of 30 thousand euros was awarded thanks to 8 golds. It is also celebrated in Sicily: in El Camo, in the province of Trapani, with five double golds worth 20 thousand euros, and in Paterno, in the province of Catania, with 6 double golds worth 9 thousand euros. There are also three winnings in Campania: the first from 10 thousand euros in Pozzuoli, in the province of Naples, thanks to 8 and the second – with the same value – in Airola, in the province of Benevento, arrived with 6 in 10eLotto Extra, while the third awarded a player from Torre del Greco, in The province of Naples, a win of 6,750 euros. The latest 10eLotto contest has distributed €23.8 million in prizes totaling €1.4 billion since the beginning of the year.

Lots and latest graphics for super competition

Lotto and 10eLotto drawings won’t be the only ones expected in prime time today, Tuesday May 17, 2022. In fact, there are also Suprinalottowhich, as usual, is ready to return, taking with it the huge weight of the grand prize (205 million euros): it is one of the highest prizes of all time, reaching this quota due to the absence of almost a year from the winning group.

During the last Lotto and Superenalotto competition on Saturday 14 May, a “5 + 1” was achieved in La Spezia with a value of 828.136.69, while ten points were hit “5”, with the lucky winners receiving 26,755.19 euros each. There are also eleven “4 stars” of €25,461 each. And the last amounted to 156 million euros “6” on May 22, 2021 AD Montaponi, a small village in the province of Fermo, with a ticket of 2 euros. The winner, at the time, only waited 3 days to present the winnings in cash. Curiosity: The numbers 1-2-3-4-5-6 are the most played in sixth place. Then follow the numbers of the days of the month from 1 to 31, and even more, the numbers of the months of the year from 1 to 12.

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how to invest Jackpot Superenalotto if you win? Fundamental question, also in light of the huge amount that the competition pursues. In this regard, the potential millionaire winner can count on the advice of our column, based on the Kickstarter platform, which provides space for many creative projects around the world, which are just waiting for funding so you can see their wishes come true. TRUE.

Today, in particular, we focus on one of these projects, i.e. NORM 1 – the smartwatch that isn’t a smartwatchThat means a simple, feature-rich smartwatch, with a hidden OLED display capable of combining functionality and style like never before. NORM 1 – reads description – Act like a classic watch. Only when you activate or receive notifications or messages does the completely hidden OLED display light up and provide the necessary information, revealing the technology behind the surface. Features? Simple Danish design, high quality construction and proven technology (sapphire crystal and stainless steel); hidden OLED display; Read full messages. display quick calls; customize notifications (text, WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram…); Dust and sweat protected belt for sports and formal wear; Whole body monitoring Heart rate tracking Sleep tracking Vibration for calls, messages or notifications.


The itinerary between Lotto and Superenalotto numbers now stops at Neapolitan grimace station, it is important to understand the true meaning of the numbers in light of the new competitions. In this sense, we come to meet you starting with the news of the hour, from which we will select the main lucky numbers that you can specify on your ticket.

Thus, we associate today’s mix with news of the most listened to audiobook ranking, which includes Epic Harry Potter. What are the numbers associated with this particular literary news? We start with 30 (magic), then finish with 1 (scar). Then there are 32 (book), 46 (magic) and 13 (wand). We hope to address you is that this collection may be an omen of good luck for the readers.

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