SUPERENALOTTO LOTTO 10 ELOTTO: Winning / Extracting Numbers April 14, 2022: What’s the Reward?

SUPERENALOTTO LOTTO 10 ELOTTO: Winning / Extracting Numbers April 14, 2022: What’s the Reward?

Victories, Hopes, and the Grand Prix: The Superhero in the Shadows…

In the Superenalotto Draw on Thursday, April 14, 2022 There have been no jackpot winners with 6 yet but there was a winner with 5 + 1 rich, paying 321,000 euros 603.36. In 2 they won 7 points on the ticket, winning 29,686.47 euros each, while in 1077 they won 4 points with an individual victory of 196.43 euros.

34 thousand 855 people received 18.27 euros each for 3, and finally it was 2 466 thousand 409 and each received 5 euros. The appointment with the Superenalotto has been renewed for next Saturday, April 16, 2022, with the search for the jackpot that includes an increasing number of bettors, with winnings amounting to more than 188 million euros for those who must win the lucky 6. (adjective by Fabio Belli)

Superstar and SUPERBONUS, LOTTO and SUPERENALOTT to get the desired …

For those who bet on Superstar number in the Superenalotto lottery No winners registered for Category 1 and 2 of the Super Rewards, with no winners registered for Category 1 and 5 + 1 stars. It should be noted that even with 5 stars no one won while there were 5 winners with 4 stars, with 4 in the Superenalotto ticket in addition to the central Superstar number, who received 19 thousand and 643 euros each.

The win was 180 with 3 stars with 1827 euros of winnings each, while 1873 winners got 100 euros each with 2 stars. Finally, the 1st star winners were 1100064 with 10 euro single wins and 5 euro each won 23 thousand 437 who got 0 Star, without winning Superenalotto numbers but with the correct Superstar. (adjective by Fabio Belli)

LOTTO and SUPERENALOTTO, the winning numbers in today’s snippets

After giving the floor to the winning numbers from SuprinalottoIt’s time to discover these Much And 10eLotto. The wait is over, curiosity is up, also because these are games that can really give you great satisfaction. Those who still doubted it realized it when they saw the prospects of the recent competition. Thus, fortune is ready to kiss the new lucky ones, to change the lives of other players. A great lottery game can do that, just to give an example… So, we don’t want to hold you back for too long, but leave you for this glorious moment that can then turn into a festive game if you win.

Obviously, that’s what we want, but there’s only one way to find out: Control your plays with intense focus. Who knows if this is the evening that could change your life, but you sure are on the cusp of removal now. Good luck then with MuchAnd 10eLotto And Suprinalotto! (adjective by Silvana Palazzo)

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Click here for the winning code numbers and symbols

Lotto Extract 10eLotto No. 45 dated 04/14/2022

6 – 8 – 12 – 22 – 25 – 32 – 41 – 42 – 48 – 49 – 54 – 61 – 64 – 70 – 71 – 72 – 78 – 83 – 87 – 89

Golden Number (first extract from Alpari’s wheel): 54

Double Gold (1st and 2nd synopsis on Alpari Wheel): 54 – 72

additional: 5 – 14 – 17 – 26 – 43 – 50 – 53 – 55 – 56 – 58 – 62 – 74 – 75 – 80 – 85

(The winning numbers in the Lotto and 10eLotto contestants are published on the official website of the state monopolies We decline all responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the winning numbers, and invite you to do so. Check directly on the monopolies website and / or in betting shops)

Lot number 45 on 14/4/2022
Barry 54 72 12 85 58
Cagliari 83 61 41 53 55
Florence 87 48 54 49 64
Genoa 25 42 75 62 43
Milan 6 64 8 61 26
Naples 71 70 50 54 17
Palermo 12 41 54 72 80
Rome 89 32 80 8 75
Turin 22 49 41 5 64
Venice 78 8 56 74 14
the National 50 54 56 78 30

(The winning numbers in the Lotto and 10eLotto contestants are published on the official website of the state monopolies We decline all responsibility for any errors in the transmission of the winning numbers, and invite you to do so. Check directly on the monopolies website and / or in betting shops)

LOTTO and SUPERENALOTTO, the numbers that led to the jackpot

extractions from MuchAnd Suprinalotto And 10eLotto, but now it’s time to see if it’s possible to finally give away the great grand prize. In fact, the winning numbers in the Superenalotto came out, so you have to stop whatever you were doing, also because it is a moment that can mark an important turning point in your life. We are not exaggerating when we say that nothing can be the same as before. Also in this contest after contest we urge you to approach the checking of your bets with the utmost care and accuracy, because even the slightest distraction can be fatal, especially if you are not used to checking your bets many times, also relying on the channels and the officers as well as in the betting shop trusted.

It may seem superfluous, but nothing should be left to chance when it comes to it Suprinalotto. Here are the winning numbers waiting to be discovered Lotto and 10eLotto numbers. (Agg. by Silvana Palazzo)

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last draw Superenalotto n. 45 from 04/14/2022

winning combination
5 38 50 8 55 22 5

Jolly Number


(The winning numbers of the Superenalotto contest are published on the official website of the state monopolies We decline all responsibility for any errors in the transmission of winning numbers, and invite you to do so. Check directly on the site of the monopolies and / or in the betting shops)

LOTTO and SUPERENALOTTO, Abstracts today: April 14, 2022

appointment with Lotto extract, Superenalotto and 10 eLotto In this new Sisal Competition 45/2022 Today is Thursday, April 14, 2022. We are waiting to find out the winning numbers, to see if this evening will really be very lucky. In the meantime, we can take a look at what happened during the previous Lotto competition. For example, the latest Lotto competition awarded a prizeEmilia Romagna, because three winnings totaling more than 34,000 euros were recorded. to Riccione There were three players and a lottery who won 14,250 euros. to Fiorenzuola D’ArdaIn the province of Piacenza, 9,250 euros were won, of which three are alike and three are on the Milan wheel. to celebrate too carbonone, in the province of Isernia, thanks to the win on the Palermo Lotto wheel, which won a prize of 25 thousand euros. a little less a San Benedetto del Trontoin the province of Ascoli Piceno: €22,500 won by dry spinning the Lotto di Roma wheel. Agrenews Flag win a Genoa, where six alike, four terneys and one quadruple on the National Lotto wheel led to a win of nearly 14,000 euros. Therefore, the latest lotto draw was distributed 4.8 million euros, bringing the total to 284 million euros from the beginning of the year.

From Lotto shares to shares 10eLotto, which was awarded Apulia. The last fee earned him about 120 thousand euros. The highest payout in 10eLotto is a Martina Francain the province of Taranto, 9 double gold worth 100 thousand euros, followed by 9 of 20001 euros a. Modognoin the province of Bari. Concert also in Abruzzo for €20,000 9 Made in tiramoInstead, 15,000 euros go to Martinsicoroin the province of Teramo, thanks to 6 Double Gold. Agrenews 9 other reports for 20 thousand euros focused on them Ventimiglia (Imperia). Accordingly, the recent 10eLotto contest handed out prizes worth €27.6 million, bringing it to one billion in total since the beginning of the year.

Lotto, stakes of the last SUPERENALOTTO contest

After the lottery. Now is the time to analyze quotas subordinate Suprinalotto waiting for new extraction. There were no 6, which is why the jackpot rose to 188 million euros. But there are still some important gains. Just think of the five that got hit: the seven lucky winners got €30,263.51 each. Also of note is the four star, which is worth €31,892 for each of the five lucky ones. Let’s move on to the “secondary” stocks. The three-star donated €2607 to 133 lucky coupon holders. There are 676 for 4 which is worth €318.92 for each lucky winner. They go 100 euros to the two stars that count 2,187 lucky tickets. There are 24,907 coupons from the 3 that got 26.07 euros. It drops to €10 for one star, with 15,399 winning tickets. We came to 362,855 for the two of which 5.56 euros were won, and finally 5 euros for each of the 36,732 winning tickets for the 0 star.

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The Jackpot win subordinate Suprinalotto Flying high, our dreams of glory often go hand in hand about how to spend any winnings. It is natural and instinctive, because in this way one has the possibility of fulfilling one’s desires. But not only do you have to think big, you could also consider dedicating a small portion to funding an innovative project, like one of the ones at Kickstarter. Take, for example, Kitten Beans Coffee, a coffee company that defines itself as “the most beautiful in the world.” The goal is to provide high quality coffee at an affordable price. What is the difference between the others? A portion of the profits are donated to animal shelters. This is why every trade reflects the plan of this company. On the posters, for example, some adopted four-legged dogs are shown. Kitten Beans Coffee is also committed to informing customers of information about the specific organization or animal they have helped provide.


What do you do if you want to play MuchAnd 10eLotto Wow Suprinalotto But you don’t know which numbers to bet on? Allow yourself to be inspired by current events, but count on them Neapolitan mug, which through their interpretations can give you important support. Let’s start with Easter, which is upon us and we will see 14 million Italians travel. You can choose the ninth, litter, offspring, because it is a party that you spend with the family. You also want 14, or drunk, if you have a relative who on these occasions would risk raising his elbow too much. 19 instead is the number of laughter, which comes automatically on these meeting occasions. Obviously, he couldn’t miss 20, ‘a festa. 33, ll’anne’ e Cristo should not be missing either, for we are talking about Easter, as well as Cave 74. On the other hand, 45, or fine wine, always refers to the dining table, which has its own number, 82. But on the The table is not even 5′ or bread.

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