SuperBonus 110%: Prices are set by a private individual. The state does not control | Melina Gabanelli

SuperBonus 110%: Prices are set by a private individual.  The state does not control |  Melina Gabanelli

If you see “Civil Engineering Print” written on the price list, what do you think? I hope the civil engineers, the state apparatus, have set these prices! The question is about 110% Bonus: Last December alone, the state allowed Italians 110 million euros per day to be exempted from tax credits to improve energy efficiency in their homes. Nearly 16.2 billion has been spent since July 1, 2020, and investments are planned for at least another 14 days until June 2023, when the deal is expected to expire. On average, each condominium that carried out the work invested 540 thousand euros, each individual house more than 110 thousand. An unmissable incentive to renovate the old National Estate Park and make it more environmentally friendly. It’s a breath of fresh air for manufacturers, companies and designers.

The hand that changes the decree

With incentives in place, fraud is always latent“Some citizens informed us that they signed the papers without starting any work, and others of the work carried out by companies not in the construction sector but in the slaughter sector,” said Ernesto Maria Ruffini, director of the Revenue Agency. And Limiting the amount of fraud to at least one billion euros. to reduce it, The agency has ramped up its controls, while the state has made the reward request procedure more complicated. For collection, the company carrying out the work must prove to Enea that it used materials ensuring energy savings, and prove to Internal Revenue that it applied reasonable rates.

How is the appropriate price determined? the Law 77 of July 2020 Who set the incentives is very clear: Everyone who designs must adhere to the maximum prices of the regional price lists (not always updated) and the most widespread and most efficient of the Chambers of Commerce in the region. A month later, in Executive Decree issued on August 6The Chambers of Commerce disappear, and as an official reference to prices the “Building Guides published by Dei – Tipografia del Genio Civile” appear. In July 2021 A trade association requests numbers from the Competition and Market AuthorityThe Secretary-General replies as follows: “The benchmarks are those established by the civil engineers”. Then a public body.
Ordinary person called civil engineers

Civil Engineers have not been around since 1972, the year in which this kingdom structure was dissolved – established by Vittorio Emanuele I at the beginning of the nineteenth century to monitor public works. La Dei, which had nothing to do with Genius, is a private company with eleven employees headquartered in Rome. Seventy years ago, its founder, Mr. Bartoli, had the idea – it was very impressive – to put the name and brand of Civil Engineers in the company name to better sell his price lists and his construction manuals. In fact, many have been misunderstood, from department officials to employees of the Revenue Agency and Enea. In March 2021, in the full reward process, Dei was acquired by Queen, from the group Lwr, the tech publishing giant led by Giorgio Albonetti. Lwr treats a lot Drug price lists, legal journals publish, those of Trade fairsAnd Journal of the National Council of EngineersAnd The body that certifies premium reward costs, Journal of Thermal Technology Association (AICAR) who designs systems and certifies costs for the purpose of reward. Dei price lists are very detailed. Since prices vary across Italy, and you need to identify and monitor 80,000 items, one would imagine that a hundred experts would work on it. Error: There are only 6 advisors and some advisors.

On the table of every engineer, architect or surveyor, Dei (which advertises 10,000 customers and doubled its turnover in the last year) is a monopoly over which the state exercises no control.

Publisher Albonetti does his job, and he does it well: «Come and check, they will find that the prices are as low as possible. We are not succumbing to pressure from companies that want to keep raising and grumbling about increases in raw materials. We are completely independent and therefore reliable.” There are actually some potential conflicts of interest: Dei’s price lists host paid advertisements for builders, and publishes the Syndicate of Engineers magazine, which swears in its editorials that it is “an irreplaceable reference for work.”

How is the price determined?

According to Luca Bertone, President of the Lodi College of Engineers, Dei price lists do not display disproportionate prices for individual items, but It is its structure that allows you to raise prices when placing a quote. Example: “In climate zone “E” can cost a window or a door 650/750 euros per meter. I’ve seen specs based on Dei’s price list that have also been calculated 2500 euros per meter. How to get there? By applying to the letter of the individual super-detailed, separately entering the hours of installation etc.». Dei price list is authorized by the state, the state can not challenge the final price you will pay. The law originally assumed a different procedure for limiting costs: setting a maximum price (eg €1,000 per meter for windows and doors) and leaving any excess expenses to be paid by the taxpayer. Do you want to insulate your home with 120 square meters of thermal insulation? I will refund you a maximum of total Euros per square meter, based on the designer approved metrics. No one will need to inflate prices this way. However, the ceilings were not put into practice.

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Professionals thank you

Costs vary from region to region and province to province. If the price lists for Chambers of Commerce in Lombardy (as well as free) are impeccable, the story changes in the Central South. Francesco Triolo, former president of the Syndicate of Engineers of Messina, explains: «I would refer to the Sicilian price-list, but it contains very few items, while the Dei-list includes every possible variant, and when you adopt it, you know the state has nothing to object to. In the healthy market, the discount is always applied to price lists: but if the revenue agency pays above-average prices, no one has an interest in asking for it.” Professionals – who combine higher layout fees with the excellent bonus – thank you: “The reimbursement mechanisms we offer are slow, and earning more is a way to compensate.”

Give yourself a billion

Nobody is interested in upgrading local public technical offices which will also have the competence and resources to act as a guarantor. Some professionals calculate at least 10% of the surplus spending by the state Because of an uncontrolled calculation mechanism. Of the 16 billion already spent, two could have already been saved. two months ago Minister of Environmental Transformation The accounts reported to the government: “We are paying Double European values Because there is no bargaining on prices.” To reduce costs, the new Finance Act amended the legislation: to be adequate, expenditures must be “adapted to the maximum values ​​established by decree of the Minister of Environmental Transformation to be issued by February 9, 2022.”

ITherefore, moths have three weeks to set an expense cap for each individual intervention component, from heat coats to labor, to design costs.

The company is tough: Raw material producers, builders, and most designers are already at war.. Deceased civil engineers can’t control them, and it seems the state hasn’t noticed death and prices From The price list of the gods that still bear his name is really suitable for everyone.

January 17, 2022 | 07:02

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