Alessandro Benetton, the mea culpa: “The story of the Morandi Bridge will always touch”

Alessandro Benetton, the mea culpa: “The story of the Morandi Bridge will always touch”

mistakes were made,Some of them are very dangerous and I am not talking about the Morandi Bridge. This is a tragic outcome that will carry its weight forever. Mistakes have been made before, when we chose to give too many agents to the wrong people.” It is Alessandro Benetton who speaks in a video entrusted to social media, twenty-four hours after his appointment. To the presidency of Edizione Spa. The highest tower in the cathedral contains the heritage, history and the entire rib of the dynasty From Ponzano Veneto and now has the four branches From the proportions it looks more compact than ever.

break hour

Home living room, off-screen entry, jeans and casual shirt. Look straight alternately with the left side. Sequences are imperfectly edited and saved, perhaps artistically, to go along with semi-professional YouTubers who aim more for substance than technology. It is the hour of the break. This video is also for you guys (He says thus, to the global world who listens to him, to those in gray suits and anyone who subscribes to his channels.) mark the first change. For many in Italy, it is absurd to be the head of a group of such proportions Make a video on youtube or instagramIt is even unusual for them to be used in institutional advertising. But it was always my way of communicating. So far I have not wanted to give interviews, because I wanted you to be the first to hear me talk about this, as always, directly and simply ».

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“Where were you before today”

The direct and the simple are those that, referring to the figures of the past, today would be called axes. “Where were you before today? Did you know that, My other job: I’ve been dealing with 21 Invest for 30 years. By the way, those of you who have followed me for the longest time, know how much I was against some things in the family business – He is eager to remember Resignation from the Benetton presidency after a short period in office. Among the disagreements with the father and uncles, it can be assumed, that there was an order of importance of things. In the brief description at the beginning what version is, in fact, the asset list already allows a lot to be filtered by. He says the holding company is active “in apparel, digital infrastructure, transportation, real estate, agriculture and restaurants”. fashion, therefore, But with intangible networks before networks of roads, buildings and estates, in Makares or Patagonia. A region of the world evokes its conflicts with the Mapuche, one of the reasons why “Benetton’s nickname in this period was unpopular with many. But I saw today, the appointed chief An opportunity to interrupt to reinterpret the industrial approach that has distinguished us as a family over time.”

‘I don’t want to be on the bench’

I don’t want to be on the bench, 57-year-old Alessandro continues, “And obviously I won’t be alone. I will do this with my cousins ​​and with qualified managers, and we will focus united on the youthOn teamwork, innovation and sustainability. “A first step to rediscover and rediscover that innovative and pioneering character that has always distinguished the Edition.” This is the original Benettons, before breeding in a lot of business, with a thousand members in a hundred heterogeneous domains. The climate seems to be one of elegant provocation, good manners but on the cusp of disrespect, in which the father, Luciano, in 1993, portrayed Oliviero Toscani in Adam’s clothes. The winds of Ponzano at the turn of the last century, the winds of uncomfortable things to be said and shown, the kiss between a priest and a nun, portraits of the handicapped without a veil, cross-sex and interracial advertising campaigns.

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Genoa bridge

Awareness of knowing how to respond without intermediaries and in the original language

, to the tough questions, like the inevitable question, which arrived shortly after on Instagram where Edizione’s president and thus the first shareholder of Atlantia was urged to apologize for the Genoa tragedy. “It is a tragedy that will affect my family forever – immediate response – And apologies we should have asked right away, regardless of the truth of that version She owned only a little over 30% of Atlantia, whose board of directors had only one Benetton corporation. Today, my cousins ​​and I want to represent that interruption that allows the group to return to sanity and work as it did before, But with the new North Star: sustainability, the broad concept of the term, social and globalThe conclusion, which has been thought “for weeks,” admits Alessandro, is the signature of Spider-Man. Not a philosopher but a humorist. “With great powers come great responsibilities.” He smiled and walked away.

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Jan 14, 2022 (change on Jan 14, 2022 | 21:04)

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