Spain: Minister criticizes ‘big farms’, strong controversy – Ultima Ora

Spain: Minister criticizes ‘big farms’, strong controversy – Ultima Ora

(ANSA) – MADRID, Jan. 12 – A heated debate has opened for days in Spain over comments in which the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón, criticized what he called “big farms”.

“We have to make a distinction between industrial and intensive livestock farming,” the minister told Britain’s Guardian newspaper on December 26. “The latter type is environmentally sustainable and has significant weight in certain regions of Spain, such as Asturias, Castile and Leon as well as Andalusia and Extremadura”; He added before declaring: “What is absolutely unsustainable are the so-called big farms (…). They take a place in empty Spain, and put in it 4,000, 5,000 or 10,000 heads of livestock, polluting the land. The water and then It is exported naturally… It’s worse quality meat, it’s animal abuse and it has a major environmental impact.”

The controversy over the words of Garzon, who represents the Unidas Podemos (left) formation in the government, began after some opposition figures stopped there after a few days. Severe criticism of the minister was criticized not only from the right and from part of the powerful Spanish meat production sector, accusing Garzon of “attacking farmers”, but also from the partners of the socialist government, including Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

“This controversy deeply regrets me,” he declared on Cadena Ser radio. “We are talking about a sector that produces meat of the best quality in Spain.” In the past few hours, Garzón has reiterated the concepts expressed to The Guardian, noting that measures are being taken in Spain and at the European level to limit large farms. In the summer, Garzon had urged citizens to “eat less meat” to make its consumption more sustainable. (Dealing).

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