Serie B: 2003 for Milan Nasti makes Cosenza dream 1-0 against Brescia and salvation is closer | Other leagues Italy

Serie B: 2003 for Milan Nasti makes Cosenza dream 1-0 against Brescia and salvation is closer |  Other leagues Italy

Every man for himself. Tonight At 20.30 The premiere took place at the San Vito Gigi Marola stadium, leave Second Division matchwho saw Cosenza by william Avenues defeat 1-0 breccia Daniel gastaldello, Thanks aim Class of 2003 by Milan Marco Nasti, Who said no to the U-20 World Cup to save Calabria. Proving capital also for the other Rossoneri, Marco Brisianiniwhile Brescia stops at Besole cross And to a large Mangraviti occasion. A fate hanging over 180 minutes of play, between Calabria and Lombardy, one will be saved by continuing the adventure in the academy, and the other will accompany Benevento, Spal and Perugia in Serie C. They finished the championship with the same number of points: Brescia’s best positioning due to head-to-head matches in the championship was only valid to confirm the interest of the host factor in the second leg. The expected return to Rigamonte next Thursday 1 June: Brescia will have to win by one goal to go toover time, Likewise the Calabrians concluded. Cosenza has not been relegated to Division B for 5 years, and even Brescia for 38 years: They faced the worst offense and worst defense in the regular season, with 30 goals scored and 57 conceded.

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