Science sits at the table in Orvieto, between awareness and responsibility

Science sits at the table in Orvieto, between awareness and responsibility


Orvieto (Terni) – single theme in the centre. luxury. And health. Mental and physical. It all starts with the right lifestyle. It is prevention. This is the argument that accompanied the discussion on the one hand, experts and scholars, and on the other hand, users, especially the younger generations. The meeting is titled “Science at the Table.” “Awareness and Responsibility” was organized in Orvieto. At Kweli Palace. An opportunity to reflect on the necessary change in the pace of communication between users, the academic world, healthcare professionals, experts and in scientific publishing,

Men of science have many years of specialized training on their side – which must, sometimes, be enriched with additional sensitivity in their dealings with the user, in order to sensitize and motivate him to improve his quality of life, in the knowledge that caring also means caring, while users must be, Especially the young ones, they are able to trust the doctor, the teacher and the institution. Only in this way, in fact, will they be able to consciously adopt daily behaviors, at the table and outside it, aimed at preserving their health and well-being in the present and in the future.

The meeting was organized by the Cotarella Foundation and the Orvieto Lifestyle Federation on the occasion of the Orvieto City Event of Taste, Art, Action and Innovation. An opportunity to reflect on the necessary change in the pace of communication between users, the academic world, healthcare workers and experts, and in scientific publishing, which requires less excitement and more awareness.

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Advisor for Schools and Social Policies of the Municipality of Orvieto, Alda Coppola, opened the event with a corporate greeting, emphasizing the strengthening of the relationship between parents and school. “Children are ambassadors of good practices, and we must educate them so that they become conscious citizens in the future even at the table.” Awareness also comes from agricultural production, as stated by Albano Agapiti, President of Coldiretti Umbria. “Direct farmers – said the President – are essential to the quality and sustainability of food. Agritourism in Umbria is accelerating this fight, providing direct experience to end consumers, together with educational farms that are true promoters of nature-based food education.

“Innovation and technology are crucial to meeting today’s challenges – such as climate change,” he added. This topic is also at the heart of the activities of Slow Food, which has made slowness its philosophy. Represented by its president, Barbara Nabini, who pointed out the importance of the relationship between food, health and cultural change. Slow Food projects promote human-ecosystem interaction, protection of land, animals and diversity of flavours. This is because the relationship between nutrition and health is not only about the individual, but also about the interconnections between individuals, society and ecosystems. Institutions and politics must respond to environmental imperatives and engage civil society to address challenges related to the environment and health, while new generations seek ethical and environmental solutions that relate above all to food choices and healthy eating.

Dr. Massimo Bracaccia, Director of the Department of General Medicine and Emergency Medicine at Orvieto Hospital, emphasized the impact of these diseases associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases, which are widely spread in today’s society. “The media plays an important role in determining the eating habits of young people – and I call on schools, institutions and associations to continue spreading the message of a healthy lifestyle, including nutritional aspects and physical activity, to confront the epidemic,” said Bracaccia. – Diet-related disorders and diseases such as obesity and high blood pressure Blood and diabetes. Speaking about the media, psychiatrist and psychotherapist Laura Dalla Ragione pointed out how important the connection between science and health is, especially with regard to food and disease problems. “Media pressure – as Dalla Ragione declared – and “food fads” have a negative impact On the youth. Previously it was thought to be a disease linked to the female sex, but the data show that in a few years we will no longer be able to talk about a gender-related disease. “Food has become a problem and a danger to millions of people around the world.”

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By Stefano Lucarelli, Acting Director. Eating Disorders UFC Ausl Toscana Centro “Awareness” also means knowing when to seek help. “Behaviors that change the functioning of the body and mind, and constant anxiety about food. These are serious disorders that affect everyone and have nothing to do with sex,” he said, recalling the importance of family members in the treatment process. “Eating disorders can be treated, and today’s conference, courses and activities promoted by the Cottarella Foundation, on For example, remind us of this.” Prevention is mentioned several times throughout the works, as prevention plays an important role in the treatment of “chronic” diseases, a topic that is also addressed at the San Raffaele Hospital, where Dr. Anna Ugliari, an expert in adolescent psychopathology, works in University of San Raffaele Vita Salute. With adolescents and children with type 1 diabetes. «With the support of Prof. Lucarelli, we need to reconnect the “control unit”, that is, our mind, with the body and create our own identity not linked to the disease, but to a future perspective on the project of life, Which among other things is what Verdelus would do. A proposal: a place of slowness and possibility, of something growing, of returning to nature, where boys and girls can discover what they want from their future. A sign of hope,” concluded Dr. Ugliari. Enrica Ricci, Interim Director of the Planning Service of the Network of Social Services, Social and Health Integration of the Umbria Region, explained that among the different activities that the Foundation plans, there are also prevention and small and large interventions. “Umbria has an active protocol to promote healthy and correct lifestyles, where prevention activities are also implemented in schools and workplaces. An individual is healthy if every aspect of his life is healthy.”

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