Borione’s book on science and cancer in October

Borione’s book on science and cancer in October

Borione’s book on science and cancer in October

The Ship of Theseus is sending Roberto Burioni’s “Match Point. How Science Defeats Cancer” to bookstores in October. In the eternal game against cancer, we are finally starting to score several crucial points in our favor. In his unambiguous style, Roberto Burioni explains with simplicity and precision what happens in our bodies, from the transformation of a cell into a carcinogen to the causes of tumors, all the way to the various treatments that already exist and those that we are working on, with increasingly better results. Encouraging. “The match against cancer is on match point. There is a formidable opponent in front of us: scoring this point will not be easy, there are many challenges. But, in the end, we are ahead.
In this book, Roberto Burione, physician, celebrity and professor of microbiology and virology, answers these and other questions in a simple and direct way, focusing on the scientific advances that have made possible scenarios that, only a few years ago, were relegated to science fiction books. Which has made cancer a disease that can be diagnosed early, treated effectively, sometimes cured, and often slowed down in a critical way for the patient’s life. Every day, research provides us with new treatments, cures, medicines and knowledge that allow us to look to the future with hope. The poignant story of the game played by man and science against cancer, in which we see, as never before, victory within reach. Roberto Burioni, MD, is Emeritus Professor of Microbiology and Virology at Vita Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. He has published The Vaccine Is Not an Opinion (2016), Conspiracy of Donkeys (2017), Mortal Pals (2018), Homeopathy (2019), Virus (2020) and The Enormous Foundation. Medicine after the mRNA revolution (2022). (EscanNews) – vgp

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