Science and communication come together to fight fake news about climate

Science and communication come together to fight fake news about climate

A moment to reflect on how science and information can tackle the climate crisis together and eliminate fake news, a weapon and cause of denial. This is the main purpose of the event held at the WWF Italy headquarters in Rome with the meeting “Climate, news and fake news. Finding your way in the climate crisis between science and information”.

Thanks to international experts and insights into the perspectives of new technologies accessible to all, the meeting provides an analysis of the state-of-the-art technology and a series of tools that allow us to distinguish between fake news and information that is relevant because it is based on science and to choose sources and information that provide an accurate representation of the climate issue, and its importance. In economic and social dynamics, through the massive supply of information produced by traditional media and the digital world, to enhance public awareness that can translate into climate action. .

There will be one of the main topics of scientific publishing to discuss John Cook From the Melbourne Center for Behavior Change at the University of Melbourne, founder of, Paola Mercogliano At CMCC, he directs research on regional models and impacts and is the coordinator of the AGORA project. Antonello Pasini CNR, Air Pollution Institute, Mounia Al-Azzalini From the Pavia Observatory for Media Analysis and Research, Mariagrazia Medulla Head of Climate and Energy Department at WWF Italy, Edoardo Zanchini Director of the Climate Office of the Municipality of Rome, Ricardo Luna Director of Green & Blue di Repubblica. The session will be moderated by Mauro Buonocore, Director of Communications and Media at CMCC.

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“Climate is strongly involved in people’s lives, in the administrations of our cities, and in the political sphere. – stressed the promoters of the meeting – and for this reason, information plays a decisive role both for those who produce it and for those who use and share it. The way in which the world of media and the world of social media “Social scientific information on a complex topic like climate change is essential to better understand how the latter affects societies and economies, modifying the environment and what solutions we can implement to effectively address the climate crisis.”

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