Eco Weekends “Phosphoro” arrives in Senigallia

Eco Weekends “Phosphoro” arrives in Senigallia

SINGAPORE – Summer is coming and among the many initiatives that will take place in the historic center or on the velvet beach in June, there will also be Eco-friendly weekend Promoted by the following cultural association just concluded successfully Science Festival”phosphorous.

Friday, June 9th at 18:00 Boscomioon Strada delle Saline in Senigallia, awaits us “Which tree are you?Edited by Vita da Pacos, Biosocial Garden in Rural Fano. Each of us has a special relationship with nature, because we are from nature and we discover ourselves part of the environment around us It helps us to respect and take care of her: in an afternoon together, with simplicity and creativity, guests will take home the colorful little taste of the forest.

Second appointment in June, Fri 16 at 18, always on Boscomiowith “Botanical Gardens: Between Myths, Legends and Reality”. Together with Andrea Giunta, reference of the Botanical Garden of Selva di Gallignano at the Polytechnic University of the Marche, we will learn a lot about the history of the botanical gardens in Italy, their importance in antiquity and today, we will learn to identify plants using the most modern and practical.

To close on June evening “Stories Under the Stars” June 26 at 21.15 o’clock Cezanella Park In via Guercino: We’ll spend an evening with Marco Pesaresi Astronomical observation To learn to orient with the stars, accompanied by the ancient stories our ancestors painted in the sky. Bring a sweatshirt, it might be cool!

Always active insteadEscapwood (Reservations via email to [email protected] to agree on the time and day), an experiential jungle tourism for people over 13 years of age halfway between nature, culture and digital, which includes interactive games and quirky puzzle-solving of an ecological nature.

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Organized in collaboration with the Caritas Senigallia Foundation, Sina Nova and the University of Camerino, with the support of the Cariverona Foundation, the eco-weekends are Free events with free access Dedicated to those who want to get to know the natural world closely. Perfect for everyone, young and old, families and adults, who love and respect nature and appreciate a sustainable lifestyle.

They are part of succulents, a project that seeks to build a community through participatory planning with the aim of environmental and social renewal, including two city parks, Bosco Mio and Parco della Cisanella. Mixing the public and private sectors, the distinguished university, third sector bodies, youth and cultural associations, is necessary to motivate and direct youth and citizens towards active participation, a kind of new “blood”, in fact, which indicates its interest in environmental issues. and protecting public green spaces and their natural ecosystems.

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