UniSi: invites schools to specialize in: food sciences, historical and artistic heritage and legal professions

UniSi: invites schools to specialize in: food sciences, historical and artistic heritage and legal professions

Invitations to participate in entrance examinations to the schools of specialization in: Food Science, Historical Artistic Heritage and Legal Professions of the University of Siena are open until September 30 at 2 pm.

Access to the School of Specialization in Food Science, 5 places available, reserved for those with a master’s degree in the classes of Biology, Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Veterinary Medicine and Nutrition; The full list of degrees is published in the call for applications.

On the other hand, there are 30 places for a school of specialization in historical and artistic heritage. Graduates in Specialization or Master’s courses in Art History, with credits in the areas distinguishing the School, or those who have obtained a degree, in accordance with previous legislation, in Literature and Philosophy, and the Sciences of Elementary Education, can access. Cultural Heritage Preservation and DAMS, with a thesis on an artistic historical topic, or foreign equivalents.

The call for applications to the Graduate School of Legal Professions is also open. There are 32 places available. To access, you need a law degree. Candidates who, although not in possession of academic qualifications, have obtained them by the date of the examination, may submit an application.

Calls with details of access qualifications, online registration address for competitions and examination dates are posted in the university portal section dedicated to Specialized Schools: www.unisi.it/didattica/corsi-post-laurea/scuole-di-specializzazione/scuole-di-specializzazione-di-area-non-medica

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