Rome – Paris raise “unresolved issues regarding migrants” – Europe

Rome – Paris raise “unresolved issues regarding migrants” – Europe

The “contract with Italy” on the issue of immigration, in particular on the application of the law, “has not yet been resolved.” Marking the distance – As the Home Affairs Council takes place in Brussels with a chapter expressly dedicated to the delicate reform of the Dublin-Paris Treaty, on the eve of the Alicante Summit, which brings the nine EU-Mediterranean countries to the negotiating table. The Elysee goes back to the clash with Rome that took place in the first weeks of Meloni’s government: “We have not yet seen any changes in the position of the Italian authorities regarding the implementation of the flag state law”, notes a source from the French presidency . It is then one of the most sensitive, and still open, chapters that the European Union is discussing in order to reach a reform of the rules governing entry into Europe. In short, the sparks continue on an arc across the Alps. Palazzo Chigi denies, for example, the arrival of any “official invitation” from Emmanuel Macron’s secretariat to meet with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, contrary to what the Elysee claims, which says it is waiting for “proposals” on dates for a trip to Paris, in order to defuse tensions over the issue. Ocean Viking. “Let’s imagine that certain invitations are not made in the press,” Italian government sources specify. Not yet any meetings on the sidelines of the Alicante summit, as the table will be much smaller than that of the European Council (scheduled for next Thursday). However, according to various diplomatic sources, public tensions do not enter the button rooms in Brussels, where the important negotiations are taking place. Just like the Home Affairs Council. exactly the contrary. In the Belgian capital, progress is being made. Today we have reached a political orientation on the delicate balance between solidarity and responsibility, ”says Ylva Johansson, European Commissioner for Home Affairs. And in practice, a “political compromise on the principle that governs” the balance between responsibility (for rescue operations) and solidarity (in deportations) and now “It will be up to the Swedish presidency to translate this agreement into legislative acts. Registrations in countries of first landing and thus limit secondary movements of migrants. The balance, in fact, is not easy to find and is always subject to landslides. But in this aspect, France is diluting itself.” We have focused on a frank discussion – Italian while, on the other hand, it is obviously a much broader discussion”, they said at the Elysee, where they welcomed the progress made compared to last year, in particular, with the extraordinary meeting of EU interior ministers on November 25 , when “it was well understood that it was a European matter”. The work continues. However, in all this, one particular fact is celebrated in Brussels: Croatia’s entry into Schengen, the European ecosystem that allows travel without Limits, following the green light from the board. Of course, according to the promises of the Commission and the rotating presidency (Czech Republic), Schengen was to grow with three members, with Romania and Bulgaria also arriving, thus completing the blue-star ‘belt’, joining Greece. the border. But no: the Austrian (and the Netherlands) veto has left Bucharest and Sofia out again, despite the fact that the two countries now have the necessary prerequisites for an EU executive. “An incomprehensible and unjustified choice,” commented frustrated Interior Minister Matteo Bentedosi, who said that Romania and Bulgaria “will make an important contribution to controlling the EU’s eastern borders.” But since the decision on the matter is in the hands of the Member States, the proposal was rejected. “Despite the clear indications, the presidency was frantically trying to reach a decision and eventually force a vote, which is very unusual in the circumstances,” said a diplomatic source. Now, perhaps, the hot potato will land at the leaders’ table in the European Council for another round of views (Germany, for example, was in favor).

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