Puigcerdà demands that the government return the investments made in the sports centre

Puigcerdà demands that the government return the investments made in the sports centre

Puigcerdà demands that the government return the investments made in the sports centre

The Puigcerdà City Council and the Poliesportiu Club, one of the largest entities in the municipality for its activities and the social movement it generates, have drawn up an understanding and a figure regarding the amounts of money waiting to be paid by sports in the state. These are items related to investments made in recent years in facilities.

Based on this understanding, the Council prepared a file for the Sports Department specifying the amount that the city should receive in exchange for the work completed in the various sports spaces managed by the club, at approximately 800 thousand euros. In recent months, the club and the city council reached an agreement to close outstanding accounts. “The city council has taken the necessary measures to complete it; we have a pending payment from Sports to cover the ice rink, the fencing and some of the second pavilion games that we have done,” explained the president of Polisportio, Joan Barnola. “The city council has prepared the documents for all this and sent them to Sports and we are now waiting for them.” “. The remaining bills to be collected therefore correspond to €600,000 for the renovation of the ice rink cover carried out two years ago, €200,000 for the new perimeter fence of the same ice rink and €200,000 for elements of the second pavilion, built more than a decade ago. Of these 800,000 euros, the city council must receive 60%, and 40% must go to the club.

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Institutional Saturday

On the other hand, the Polisportiu Club organized a lunch on Saturday to commemorate the five decades of Polisportiu's momentum and the good relationship it has always had with the City Council, according to the president.

Members of the first council with which the club dealt, of which Josep Mulliner was the first mayor, will participate in this celebration. The fights that have existed up to the present will also participate, namely Joan Lombart, Joan Carretero, Joan Planilla, Albert Piñera and Jordi Jacio, as Barnola himself pointed out. The institutional meeting will include a visit to the facilities.

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